Am bethau mawrion wnaeth ein Duw

(Canmlwyddiant Wesleyaeth)
Am bethau mawrion wnaeth ein Duw
  'Rŷm heddyw'n canu clod;
A chanu clod wna
    plant ein plant,
  Y canmlwydd eto i dd'od.

Aeth heibio gant o flwyddau maith,
  O oes Welseyaeth bêr;
Fe glybu llawer llwyth ac iaith
  Ei haraeth îs y ser.

Fel hedyn mwstard lleda'i gwraidd
  I bedair congol byd;
Ac adar nefoedd nythu wnant
  Yn ei changhenau clyd.

Mil miloedd aethant adre'n iach
  O'i llysoedd ar y llawr;
Ac ar eu taith mae eto fyrdd,
  A welir fel y wawr!

O gael cymdeithas gyda hwy,
  Bendithion fwy-fwy fydd:
Llawnderau gwynfyd
    Eden ardd,
  Yn hardd Gaersalem sydd.

Ymledu wna'r athrawiaeth hon
  Dros bob-man îs y rhod;
A thrwyddi rhoir
    y byd ar dân
  Y canmleydd eto i dd'od.
John Bryan 1776-1856

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Cowper (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
St Stephen (William Jones 1726-1800)

(The Century of Wesleyanism)
For great things our God did
  We are today singing acclaim;
And sing acclaim shall
    our children's children,
  In the century to come.

A hundred long years have gone past,
  From the sweet age of Wesleyanism;
Many tribes and languages hear
  Its speech below the stars.

As a mustard seed spreads its root
  To four corners of the world;
And the birds of heaven make nests
  In its secure branches.

A thousand thousand went home healed
  From its courts on the earth;
And on their journey are yet a myriad,
  Who are to be seen like the dawn!

From getting fellowship with them,
  There will be more and more blessings;
The fulnesses of the blessedness
    of the garden of Eden,
  Shall be in beautiful Jerusalem.

Spread does this teaching
  Over every place below the sky;
And through it the world
    shall be set on fire
  In the century to come.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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