Am ei hanfod ogoneddus Anwybodus ydyw'r byd; Goruwch dirnad pob creadur, Môr difesur yw o hyd: Wrth ei orsedd 'rydwyf weithiau Yma i raddau'n gwel'd ei wedd; Ond caf weled fyrdd dysgleiriach Pan gyrhaeddwyf wlad yr hedd.Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844 - - - - - Am dy Hanfod gogoneddus, Anwybodus ydyw'r byd; Ni all meddwl dreiddio i'th natur, Môr ddifesur wyt o hyd; Wrth dy orsedd rasol weithiau, Caf i raddau wel'd dy wedd; Ond rwy'n dysgwyl gweled rhagor, Ar ol myn'd tu draw i'r bedd. O na b'ai fy meddwl gwibiog, Yn sefydlog ar fy Nuw; Yna cawn dàn bob rhyw dristwch, Brofi'n llawn ei heddwch gwiw; Dena'n llwyr fy holl serchiadau, O wrthrychau'r byd lle 'rwy': Gwna fy enaid gwan heb ballu, I dy wasanaethu'n fwy.Caniadau Bethel (Casgliad Evan Edwards) 1840
Tonau {8787D}: |
Of his glorious being Ignorant is the world; Above the comprehension of every creature, An immeasurable sea it is still: At his throne I will be at times Here to some extent to see his face; But I may see a myriad times brighter When I reach the land of peace. - - - - - Of thy glorious being Ignorant is the world; Thought cannot penetrate to thy nature, So immeasurable art thou always At thy gracious throne sometimes, I get to a degree to see thy countenance; But I am expecting to see more, After going beyond the grave. O that my flitting thought were Settled on my God; Then I would get, under every kind of sadness, To experience fully his worthy peace; Attract completely all my affections From the object of the world where I am: Make my weak soul, without fail, To serve thee 2008,23 Richard B Gillion |
Of the glories of his nature Unaware this world is still; High above earth's comprehension Love that ocean depths could fill. Here in prayer I touch his presence, Now and then I glimpse his face; There I'll gaze on love's pure beauty When I reach the land of 2008 Richard B Gillion - - - - - Of the glories of thy nature Unaware this world is still; High above earth's comprehension Love that ocean depths could fill. Here in prayer I touch thy presence, Now and then I glimpse thy face; There I'll gaze on love's pure beauty When I reach the land of peace. On my God my thoughts be grounded, Flitting neither here nor there; Then in every kind of sadness, Heavenly peace from him I'd share; Take, O Lord, my stray affections From the objects of this earth; Make my soul more fit to serve thee, And, unfailing, tell thy 2008,23 Richard B Gillion