Am dy/ei hanfod ogoneddus

(Duw yn annirnadwy)
Am ei hanfod ogoneddus
  Anwybodus ydyw'r byd;
Goruwch dirnad pob creadur,
  Môr difesur yw o hyd:
Wrth ei orsedd 'rydwyf weithiau
  Yma i raddau'n gwel'd ei wedd;
Ond caf weled fyrdd dysgleiriach
  Pan gyrhaeddwyf wlad yr hedd.
Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844
            - - - - -
(Am gymdeithas â Duw)
Am dy Hanfod gogoneddus,
  Anwybodus ydyw'r byd;
Ni all meddwl dreiddio i'th natur,
  Môr ddifesur wyt o hyd;
Wrth dy orsedd rasol weithiau,
  Caf i raddau wel'd dy wedd;
Ond rwy'n dysgwyl gweled rhagor,
  Ar ol myn'd tu draw i'r bedd.

O na b'ai fy meddwl gwibiog,
  Yn sefydlog ar fy Nuw;
Yna cawn dàn bob
    rhyw dristwch,
  Brofi'n llawn ei heddwch gwiw;
Dena'n llwyr fy holl serchiadau,
  O wrthrychau'r byd lle 'rwy':
Gwna fy enaid gwan heb ballu,
  I dy wasanaethu'n fwy.
Caniadau Bethel (Casgliad Evan Edwards) 1840

Tonau {8787D}:
Eifionydd (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Everton (Henry T Smart 1813-79)

(God incomprehensible)
Of his glorious being
  Ignorant is the world;
Above the comprehension of every creature,
  An immeasurable sea it is still:
At his throne I will be at times
  Here to some extent to see his face;
But I may see a myriad times brighter 
  When I reach the land of peace.
                 - - - - -
(About fellowship with God)
Of thy glorious being
  Ignorant is the world;
Thought cannot penetrate to thy nature,
  So immeasurable art thou always
At thy gracious throne sometimes,
  I get to a degree to see thy countenance;
But I am expecting to see more,
  After going beyond the grave.

O that my flitting thought were
  Settled on my God;
Then I would get, under
    every kind of sadness,
  To experience fully his worthy peace;
Attract completely all my affections
  From the object of the world where I am:
Make my weak soul, without fail,
  To serve thee more.
tr. 2008,23 Richard B Gillion
Of the glories of his nature
  Unaware this world is still;
High above earth's comprehension
  Love that ocean depths could fill.
Here in prayer I touch his presence,
  Now and then I glimpse his face;
There I'll gaze on love's pure beauty
  When I reach the land of peace.
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion
              - - - - -
Of the glories of thy nature
  Unaware this world is still;
High above earth's comprehension
  Love that ocean depths could fill.
Here in prayer I touch thy presence,
  Now and then I glimpse thy face;
There I'll gaze on love's pure beauty
  When I reach the land of peace.

On my God my thoughts be grounded,
  Flitting neither here nor there;
Then in every kind
    of sadness,
  Heavenly peace from him I'd share;
Take, O Lord, my stray affections
  From the objects of this earth;
Make my soul more fit to serve thee,
  And, unfailing, tell thy worth.
tr. 2008,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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