Am ein cynhaea/cynhaua'r flwyddyn hon

(Gwir Ddiolchgarwch)
Am ein cynhaea'r flwyddyn hon
  Rhown glod i'r Arglwydd glân;
Neshawn i'w ŵydd
    mewn bywiol barch
  I'w gyfarch Ef ar gân.

Rhyw wefus fawl - a dim ond hyn -
  Ni dderbyn y gwir Dduw;
Ond mawl o fyw i ryngu'i fodd
  Yw'r aberth o'r iawn ryw.

Fe ddaw rhyw flwyddyn pan na wna
  Cynhaea' les i ni;
Am fara'r nef
    cymerwn boen -
  Yr Oen fu ar Galfari.

O ymgyflwynwn,
    heb nacâu,
  I Dduw'n aberthau byw!
O doed Ei Ysbryd i'n glanhau,
  A'n gwneud yn demlau Duw!
Ebenezer Thomas (Eben Fardd) 1802-63

Tôn [MC 8686]:
St Bernard (Tochter Sïon 1741)
St Saviour (F G Baker 1839-1919)

(True Gratitude)
For our harvest this year
  Let us give praise to the holy Lord;
Let us approach his presence
    in lively reverence
  To address Him song.

Some worthy praise - and only this -
  Will the true God accept;
Only the praise of living to please him
  Is the sacrifice of the right kind.

Some year shall come when no harvest
  Will be of any benefit to us;
For the bread of heaven
    let us accept the pain -
  Of the Lamb who was on Calvary.

Oh let us present ourselves,
    without reserve,
  To God as living sacrifices!
O may His Spirit come to cleanse us,
  And make us God's temples!
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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