Am fawr ddaioni Brenin nef

Am fawr ddaioni Brenin nef
  Dyrchafwn uchel glod;
Yn hwn mae pawb o'r byd yn byw,
  Yn symud, ac yn bod.

A'i fawr ddaioni llenwi mae
  Drigfanau pur y nef;
A llwythir euog
    blant y llawr,
  A'i ddoniau rhadlawn Ef.

Ond wrth roi ei Fab
    i angau'r groes
  Dros ddeiliaid gwae a'r bedd;
Eglurwyd ei ddaioni pur
  Yn ei ddysgleiriaf wedd.
Joseph Harris (Gomer) 1773-1825
Cas. o Ddeuddeg Cant ag Un o Hymnau 1868

gwelir: Gwaith hyfryd yw clodfori'r Iôn

For the King of heaven's great goodness
  Let us raise high praise;
In him is everyone of the world living,
  Moving, and being.

With his great goodness filling he is
  The pure dwellings of heaven;
And to be loaded are the
    guilty children of the earth,
  With His gracious gifts.

And by giving his Son
    to the death of the cross
  For the tenants of woe and the grave;
Made clear was his pure goodness
  In his radiant countenance.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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