Am fendithion y goleuni

Am fendithion y goleuni
  Clod i'n Duw,
  Heno'n wiw;
Rhyfedd yw'r daioni.

Maddau feiau'r dydd aeth heibio;
  Trwy dy Waed
  Rho lanhad;
Moes ymweliad eto.

Dan dy gysgod heno'n dawel
  Llechu wnaf;
  Gyda'm Naf
Hunaf yn ddiogel.

Ac os hon fydd nos fy angau,
  Iesu cu,
  Derbyn Di
F'ysbryd i i'th freichiau.
Morris Davies 1796-1876

Tonau [8336]:
Ebeling (Johann Georg Ebeling 1637-76)
Thanet (Joseph Jowett 1784-1856)

For the blessings of the light
  Acclaim to our God,
  Tonight is fitting;
Wonderful is the goodness.

Forgive the sins of the day that has passed;
  Through thy Blood
  Impart cleansing;
Grant a visitation again.

Under thy shadow tonight quietly
  I will hide;
  With my Master
I will sleep safely.

And if this shall be the night of my death,
  Dear Jesus,
  Receive Thou
My spirit into thy arms.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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