Am Bethlehem/Fethlehem bydd cofio

Am Fethlehem bydd cofio
  Dros oesoedd rif y gwlith,
Cans yno anwyd Twysog
  A lywodraetha byth;
Daeth Arglwydd y gogoniant
  Ym Methlem inni'n Frawd,
A'r Hwn a wnaeth y bydoedd
  A aned yno'n dlawd.

Fe unwyd tragwyddoleb
  Ac amser brau yn un
Ym Methlehem Effrata
  Ym mherson Mab y Dyn;
Y gwrthrych annherfynol,
  A lanwai'r ddaer a'r nef,
A ddaeth mewn agwedd ddynol -
  Mewn preseb gwelwyd Ef.

Fy enaid, cân di iddo,
  Wrth gofio am dydd
Caed meichiau'n ôl yr arfaeth
  I hawlio'r caeth yn rhydd;
Gogoniant am y Cariad
  A'n cofiodd cyn ein bod,
Ond heddiw canwn foliant -
  Mae'r Ceidwad wedi dod.

[Fy enaid, cana bellach,
   Wrth gofio am y dydd
 Caed Meichiau gwir digonol
   I hawlio'r caeth yn rhydd;
 Gogoniant am y Cariad
   A'n cofiodd cyn ein bod!
 Ond heddyw gorfoleddwn -
   Mae'r Ceidwad wedi dod.]
William Evans 1800-80

Tonau [7676D]:
Aurelia (S S Wesley 1810-76)
Ellacombe (St Gall Gesangbuch 1863)

About Bethlehem there will be remembering
  Over ages numerous as the dew,
Since there was born a Prince
  Who will govern forever;
The Lord of glory came
  In Bethlehem as a Brother for us,
And the One who made the worlds
  Was born there poor.

Eternity was united
  With fragile time as one
In Bethlehem of Ephratah
  In the person of the Son of Man;
The endless object,
  Which would fill the earth and heaven,
Who came in human aspect -
  In a manger He was seen.

My soul, sing thou to him,
  While remembering about the day
A surety was got according to the plan
  To claim the captive free;
Glory for the Love
  Which remembered us before we were,
But today let us sing praise -
  The Saviour has come.

[My soul, sing thou henceforth,
   While remembering about the day
 A true, sufficient Surety was got
   To claim the captive free;
  Glory for the Love
    Which remembered us before we were!
  But today let us rejoice -
    The Saviour has come.]
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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