Am fod fy Iesu'n fyw, Byw hefyd fydd ei saint. Er gorfod goddef poen a briw, Mawr yw eu braint: Bydd melys lanio draw 'N ol bod o donn i donn, Ac mi ro'f ffarwel maes o law, I'r ddaear hon. Daeth allan ddw'r a gwaed, Yn rhyfedd rad i ni; Ni chollwn ddim o'r trysor gaed, Ar Galfari; Fe genir myrdd yn wyn, Oll fel yr eira mân, Ceir gwel'd rhai ffiaidd y pryd hyn, Yn berffaith lân. O angeu pur y groes, Ti bellach fydd fy nghân; 'Doedd dw'r i'w gael ond ar y groes, A'm golcha'i'n lân Y ffynnon loyw lawn, Sydd barod iawn o hyd, I olchi'r Ethiop du yn wyn, Hyd eithaf byd. Ac yna gwyn fy myd Tu draw i'r byd a'r bedd: Caf yno fyw dan foli o hyd Mewn hawddfydd hedd Yn nghwmni'r nefol Oen Heb sôn am bechod mwy, Ond can am ei ddirfawr boen Byth gyda hwy. Anturiaf bellach mwy, Er cymaint grym fy mai; Trwy'r haeddiant dwyfol sy'n ei glwy', Heb lwfrhau; O flaen yr orsodd wen, Ffieiddiaf ddyn o'r blaen, Gan gredu gall Tywysog nen, Fy ngwneud yn lân. O tyred addfwyn Oen, Iachawdwr dynolryw, At wael bechadur sydd dan boen, Ac ofnau'n byw; O helpa'r llesg a'r gwan, I'r làn o'r pydew prudd, A rho trwy rinwedd dwyfol waed, Fy nhraed yn rhydd. Mawr yw :: Mawr fydd 'N ôl bod :: 'Rol bod Caniadau Sion Rhan VI 1770 5 : D Jones / W Williams (Aleluia 1749) 6 : William Williams 1717-91
Tonau [6684D]:
gwelir: |
Because my Jesus is alive, Live also shall his saints. Despite having to suffer pain and bruise, Great is their privilege: It will be sweet to land yonder After being from wave to wave, And I will bid farewell soon, To this earth. Water and blood came out, Wonderfully free for us; Let us not lose anything of the treasure got, On Calvary; A myriad are to be bleached white, All like the fine snow, Some detestable are to get seen then, Perfectly clean. O pure death of the cross, Thou henceforth shalt be my song; There is no water to be had but on the cross, That will wash me clean The shining, full fount, Is very ready still, To wash the black Ethiopian white, Unto the extremity of the world. And there I will be blessed On the far side of the world and the grave: I will get to live there praising all the time In peaceful pleasure In the company of the heavenly Lamb Without mention of sin any more, But a song about his immense suffering Forever with them. I will venture forth evermore, Despite how great the force of my fault; Through the divine merit which is in his wound, Without losing heart; Before the white throne, The most detestable man ever, By believing the Prince of heaven can, Make my clean. O come, meek Lamb, The Saviour of humankind, To a poor sinner who is here under pain, And fearing to live; O help the feeble and the weak, Up from the sad pit, And set, through the merit of divine blood, My feet free. Great is :: Great will be :: |