Am fy mod i mor llygredig

Am fy mod i mor llygredig,
  Ac ymadael ynddwy' i'n llawn,
Mae bod yn dy fynydd sanctaidd
  Imi'n fraint oruchel iawn;
Lle mae'r llenni yn cael eu rhwygo,
  Mae difa'r gorchudd yno o hyd,
A rhagoroldeb dy ogoniant
  Ar ddarfodedig bethau'r byd.

O! am bara i uchel yfed
  O ffrydiau'r iechydwriaeth fawr
Nes fy nghwbwl ddisychedu
  Am ddarfodedig bethau'r llawr;
Byw dan ddisgwyl am fy Arglwydd,
  Bod, pan ddêl, yn effro iawn
I agoryd iddo'n ebrwydd
  A mwynhau ei ddelw'n llawn.
Ann Griffiths 1776-1805

Tonau [~8787D]:
  Cilowen (Beti James a Sian Davies)
    (trefn. Rhiannon Ifan)
Eryl (J Morgan Lloyd 1880-?)
John (E T Davies 1878-1969)

  Arogli'n beraidd mae fy nardus
  O am bara i uchel yfed
  O am bara i yfed beunydd

Since I am so corrupt,
  And tend to depart completely,
To be in thy holy mountain
  Is a supreme privilege to me;
Where the veils are rent,
  Concealment is eradicated there forever,
And the excellence of thy glory
  Above the transient things of the world.

O for me to remain on high drinking
  From the streams of the great salvation
Until my thirst is completely quenched
  For the transient things of below;
To live under expectation for my Lord,
  To be, when it happens, very alert
To open to him immediately
  And to enjoy his image fully. 
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion
Since I'm so corrupt by nature

tr. H A Hodges 1905-76

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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