Am iddo fynd i Galfari Mae'n rhaid coroni'r Iesu, Byth ni fodlonir teulu'r nef Heb iddo ef deyrnasu. Griddfannau dwys y cread sydd Am weled dydd yr Iesu; O fyd i fyd datseinia'r llef: Rhaid iddo ef deyrnasu. Bydd llai o ddagrau, llai o boen, Pan gaiff yr Oen ei barchu; Caiff daear weled dyddiau'r ne' Pan fydd efe'n teyrnasu. Daw diwedd ar bob terfysg blin, Yn nydd y Brenin Iesu; Cariad yw sail ei orsedd gref: Rhaid iddo ef deyrnasu. Clod byth i'r Oen am roi ei fryd Ar fyd mor ddrud i'w brynu; Cydganwn gyda theulu'r nef: Rhaid iddo ef deyrnasu.Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953 Y Caniedydd Cynulleidfaol Newydd 1921 Tôn [MS 8787]: Oldenburg (Andachts Zymbeln / J S Bach) |
Because he went to Calvary Jesus must be crowned, The family of heaven will never be satisfied Unless he reigns. The intense groans of the creation are To see the day of Jesus; From world to world the cry shall resound: He must reign. There shall be fewer tears, less pain, When the Lamb gets revered; The earth shall get to see heaven's days When he reigns. An end shall come on every grievous tumult, In the day of the King Jesus; Love is the basis of his strong throne: He must reign. Praise forever to the Lamb for regarding A world so costly to redeem; Let us sing together with heaven's family: He must 2024 Richard B Gillion |