Am Iesu Grist a'i farwol glwy'

1,2,3,(4);  1,4,(5,6);  1,4,7.
(Sôn am Iesu / Teilwng ydyw'r Oen)
Am Iesu Grist a'i farwol glwy',
  Aed miloedd mwy o sôn;
A d'weded pob rhyw enaid byw,
  Mai teilwng ydyw'r Oen.

Fe ddaeth yn dlawd,
    Etifedd nef,
  I ddioddef marwol boen;
Myneged pob creadur bwy
  Mai teilwng ydyw'r Oen.

Y llu angylaidd draetha'n awr
  Am rinwedd mawr Ei boen;
Cyganed pawb o ddynol-ryw
  Mae teilwng ydyw'r Oen.

Aed sôn am waed
    yr Oen ar led
  Y ddaear faith i gyd;
Gwybodaeth bur a chywir gred
  Ymdaened dros y byd.

Fe ddaw'r blynyddoedd pur i ben
  Pan d'wyno Efengyl gras,
Fel haul dysgleirwyn yn y nen,
  O gylch i'r ddaear las.

Ac mi ddysgwyliaf hyfryd wawr,
  Boreuddydd Jubili,
Pan ddelo holl
    dylwythau'r llawr
  I deithio i Galfari.

'Nol treulio oesoedd maith diri'
  Yn canu'i glodydd glān,
O hyd ei fawl ar gynnydd fydd,
  A newydd fydd y gān.
Aed miloedd :: Boed miloedd

1-4: Thomas Jones 1769-1850
5-7: William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Abergele (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Belmont (S Webbe 1769-1843)
Cwmnêdd (hen alaw)
Engedi (L van Beethoven 1770-1827)
Dundee/French (The CL Psalmes of David 1615)
Ludwig (o Beethoven 1770-1827)
Martyrdom (Hugh Wilson 1766-1824)
Nativity/Lyngham (Thomas Jarman c.1776-1862)
St Peter (A R Reinagle 1799-1877)
Saron (Thomas Hughes 1870-1910)
Tyddewi (John Francis c.1827)

gwelir: Mae clywed newydd am [ei waed / y gwaed]

(Talking about Jesus / Worthy is the Lamb)
About Jesus Christ and his mortal wound,
  May thousands more be going to talk;
A let every kind of living soul say,
  That worthy is the Lamb.

He came as someone poor,
    the Heir of heaven,
  To suffer mortal pain;
Let every living creature express
  That worthy is the Lamb.

The host of angels are expounding now
  The great virtue of His pain;
Let everyone of human-kind chorus
  That worthy is the Lamb.

May the mention of the Lamb's
    blood go abroad
  Over all the vast earth;
May the pure knowledge and true faith
  Spread across the world.

The pure years are coming about
  When the Gospel of grace shall shine,
Like a brilliant sun in the sky,
  Around the blue-green earth.

And I await the delightfully dawn,
  Of the morn of Jubilee Day;
When all the tribes of
    the earth shall come
  To travel to Calvary.

After spending vast unnumbered ages
  Singing his holy honours,
Always his praise shall be increasing,
  And new shall be the song.
May thousands ... be going :: May thousands ... be

tr. 2010,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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