Amynedd nerth a phwyll

  Amynedd, nerth a phwyll,
    A brys didwyll bob dydd,
  I deithio'r anial maith
    Bob cam o'r daith
          trwy ffydd,
Sydd eisieu ar fy enaid gwan,
A'r Iesu'n briod ac yn rhan.

  O'r dyfnder arno Ef
    Cyfodaf lef i'r lan,
  Mi welaf Iesu fry
    O du fy enaid gwan;
Pob peth a geisier gan y Tad,
I'r tlawd a rydd
      o'r nef yn rhad.

  O cofia, f'enaid, mwy,
    Amynedd yn y gwaith
  Sy'n eisiau 'nawr a ffydd,
    Tra paro dydd dy daith:
Na thuchan mwy - yn gân cyn hir
Troir holl
      riddfanau'r anial dir.
Richard Jones ?1771-1833

Tôn [666688]: Gwladys / St Celynin (alaw Gymreig)

gwelir: O'r dyfnder arno Ef

  Patience, strength and wisdom,
    And sincere haste every day,
  To travel the vast desert
    Every step of the journey
          through faith,
Which is needed by my weak soul,
And Jesus as a spouse and a portion.

  From the depth unto Him
    I raise a cry up,
  I see Jesus above
    On the side of my weak soul;
Everything sought of the Father,
For the poor he shall give
      from heaven freely.

  O remember, my soul, evermore,
    Patience in the work
  Is needed now and faith,
    While the day of thy journey endures:
Grumble no more - into a song before long
Are to be turned all
      the groans of the desert land.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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