Anfon Arglwydd i'th gynhaeaf

Anfon, Arglwydd, i'th gynhaeaf
  Weithwyr o'th ddewisiad iawn,
Rhai o fuchedd, lân sancteiddiaf,
  Rhai o ddoniau'r nef yn llawn;
Rhai yn weinidogion cymwys,
  A bugeiliaid ffyddlon gaed,
I ofalu am yr Eglwys
  Brynodd Crist â’i briod waed.

Par di iddynt brisio'u breintiau -
  Casglu perlau yn y byd;
Dangos iddynt werth eneidiau
  Yng ngoleuni'r angau drud;
Rho amynedd, rho doethineb,
  Dyro ostyngeiddrwyd llawn;
Rho ddiwydrwydd a ffyddlondeb -
  Rho dy nefol ddwyfol ddawn.

Uno maent, yn llu o dystion -
  Tystion rhinwedd
      angau'r groes;
Rho'r dystiolaeth yn eu calon,
  Ar eu gwefus, yn eu moes:
Boed eu rhodiad mewn goleuni
  Yng ngymdeithas Iesu Grist,
Gyda'r praiddd, nes rhoddi cyfri
  Ger ei fron, heb neb yn drist.
Ellis Roberts (Elis Wyn o Wyrfai) 1827-95

Tonau [8787D]:
Dismissal (William L Viner 1790-1867)
Tanycastell (John Jones 1796-1857)
Tanymarian (E J Stephen 1822-85)

Send, Lord, into thy harvest
  Workers of thine own choosing,
Those of holy, most sacred conduct,
  Those full of the gifts of heaven;
Those qualified as ministers,
  And faithful shepherds found,
To care for the Church
  That Christ bought with his own blood.

Cause thou them to value their privileges -
  Gathering pearls in the world;
Show them the worth of souls
  In the light of the costly death;
Grant patience, grant wisdom,
  Give full humility;
Grant commitment and faithfulness -
  Grant thy divine heavenly gift.

Uniting they are, as a host of witnesses -
  Witnesses of the merit of
      the death of the cross;
Grant the witness in their heart,
  On their lips, in their manners:
May their walk be in light
  In the fellowship of Jesus Christ,
With the flock, until giving an account
  Before him, without any sad.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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