Anturiaf etto 'mlaen
Anturiaf etto ymlaen
Anturiaf etto yn mla'n

(Credu yn erbyn Gobaith, Rhuf. iv. 18.)
  Anturiaf etto 'mlaen,
    Tu a'r baradwysaidd wlad;
  Pam digalonna i'n lān,
    Mae'n eiriol droswyf wa'd;
Adnewyddaf nerth, trwy rinwedd hwn,
Gorchfygaf gwn,
      elynion gad.

  Er ymladd lawer gwaith
    Ā llu o elynion llym,
  Hen Satan gyfrwys faith,
    Yn eitha ei rwysg
          a'i rym:
Disgwyliaf nerth o Seion draw,
Y maes o law daw cymmorth im'.

  Er i mi dreio'n hir
    Orchfygu pechod cās,
  Mi fyddaf marw'n wir,
    Yn lān cyn colli'r ma's;
Mewn nefol fyd mae brodyr im',
A brofodd rym
      y gelyn cas.

  Er bod fy meiau'n fawr,
    Fe maddeu Iesu hael;
  P'le mae Manasseh 'nawr,
    Mair Magdalen a Saul?
Trwy waed yr Oes,
      sy'n eiriol fry,
Mae hedd yn lli'
      i bechadur gwael.

  Er ofni o'm henaid tlawd
    Ryfela ag angau dewr;
  Ond yma'n wylo ca'w'd
    Yr Hesecia fawr:
Caf finnau ras, i fentro trwy,
Orchfygol glwy' yr angau glās.

  Er i mi ammau'n lān,
    Hael gariad Iesu cu,
  Bu Tomas o fy mlaen
    Yn'r un rhyw bydew du;
Rho'm llaw yn ol yr hoelion dur,
Bellach yn wir,
      mi greda'n hy'.
William Williams 1717-91

Tōn [666688]: Bethesda (<1811)

(Believing against Hope, Rom. 4:18)
  I shall venture yet onward,
    Towards a paradisiacal land;
  Why shall I completely lose heart?
    He is pleading blood for me;
I shall renew strength, through this merit,
I shall overcome, I know,
      an army of enemies.

  Although fighting many a time
    With a host of keen enemies,
  Old, greatly crafty Satan,
    In the extremity of his ostentation
          and his force:
I shall await strength from yonder Zion,
Whence help shall soon come to me.

  Although I try for a long time
    To overcome detestable sin,
  I shall die truly,
    Completely before losing the field;
In a heavenly world are brothers to me,
Who experienced the force
      of the detestable enemy.

  Although my faults are great,
    Generous Jesus forgives;
  Where is Manasseh now,
    Mary Magdalene and Saul?
Through blood of the Lamb,
      which is pleading above,
There is peace as a flood
      for a base sinner.

  Although fearing from my poor soul
    Battling with brave death;
  But here weeping was found
    The great Hezekiah:
I too shall get grace, to venture through,
The overpowering wound of utter death.

  Although I doubt totally,
    The generous love of dear Jesus,
  Thomas was before me
    In the same kind of black pit;
Put my hand in the marks of the steel nails,
From then on, truly,
      I shall believe confidently.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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