Ar godiad seren olau'r wawr

Now doth the sun ascend the sky / Iam lucis orto sidere

(Awr Brim)
Ar godiad seren
    olau'r wawr
Erglyw ein gweddi, Arglwydd mawr;
  Rho nawdd Dy ras
      i'n cadw'n rhydd
  Rhag drygau fyrdd
      sy'n rhodio'r dydd.

Ein tafod gosod dan dy ffrwyn,
Gan atal pob rhyw nwyd a chŵyn;
  Ein llygaid cadw, Dduw, o hyd,
  Rhag syllu'n ffôl
      ar wagedd byd.

Rho galon bur i fyn'd ar D'ol,
A chadw draw bob meddwl ffol;
  Boed i arbedrwydd llwyr bob pryd
  Ddarostwng balchder cnawdol fryd.

A phan y machlud haul y dydd,
A gwisgo'r nos ei mantell brudd,
  Gan ymryddhau
    o rwymau'r byd
  Rhown uchel glod i Dduw yng nghyd.

Gogoniant fo i Dduw y Tad,
A'r unig Fab, ein Prynwr rhad,
  A'r Yspryd, y Diddanydd Glân,
  Yn awr a byth yn ddiwahân.
cyf. William Morgan (Penfro) 1846-1918

Tôn [MH 8888]:
  Dijon (alaw Eglwysig Dijon)
  Iam Lucis Orto Sidere
Melcombe (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)
St Venantius (alaw Eglwysig Rouen)

At the rising of the bright
    star of the dawn
Hear our prayer, great Lord;
  Grant the protection of thy grace
      to keep us free
  From a myriad evils
      which are walking the day.

Our tongue put under thy reins,
Stopping every kind of lust and passion;
  Our eyes keep, God, always,
  From staring foolishly
      on the vanity of a world.

Grant a pure heart to go after thee,
And keep away every foolish thought;
  May complete protection every time be
  Subduing the pride of a carnal mind.

And when the sun of the day sets,
And the night dons its sad cloak,
  By freeing ourselves
      from the bonds of the world
  Let us give loud praise to God together.

Glory be to God the Father,
And the only Son, our gracious Redeemer,
  And the Spirit, the Holy Comforter,
  Now and forever undivided.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
Now doth the sun
    ascend the sky,
  And wake creation with its ray;
Keep us from sin,
    O Lord most high,
  Through all the actions
      of the day.

Curb thou for us the unruly tongue;
  Teach us the way of peace to prize;
And close our eyes against the throng
  Of earth's
      absorbing vanities.

Oh, may our hearts be pure within,
  No cherish'd madness vex the soul;
May abstinence the flesh restrain,
  And its rebellious pride control.

So when the evening stars appear,
  And in their train the darkness bring;
May we, O Lord,
    with conscience clear,
  Our praise to thy pure glory sing.

To God the Father, glory be,
  And to his sole-begotten Son,
Glory, O Holy Ghost, to thee,
  While everlasting ages run.
tr. Edward Caswall 1814-78

from the Latin
Iam lucis orto sidere
5th Century

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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