Ar gyfer heddiw'r bore

1,2,(3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11),12;  1,2,5,12.
Faban Bach
Ar gyfer heddiw'r bore
  'n faban bach, faban bach,
Y ganwyd gwreiddyn Iesse
  'n faban bach;
Y Cadarn ddaeth o Bosra,
Y Deddfwr gynt ar Seina,
Yr Iawn gaed ar Galfaria
  'n faban bach, faban bach,
Yn sugno bron Maria
  'n faban bach.

Caed bywiol ddŵfr Eseciel
  ar lin Mair, ar lin Mair,
A gwir Feseia Daniel
  ar lin Mair;
Caed bachgen doeth Eseia,
'R addewid roed i Adda,
Yr Alffa a'r Omega
  ar lin Mair, ar lin Mair;
Mewn côr ym Meth'lem Jiwda,
  ar lin Mair.

Gorffwyswch, bellach, Lefiaid,
  Cafwyd Iawn, cafwyd Iawn,
Nid rhaid wrth anifeiliaid,
  Cafwyd Iawn;
Diflannu a wnaeth y cysgod,
Mae'r sylwedd wedi dyfod,
Nid rhaid wrth ŵyn na buchod,
  Cafwyd Iawn, cafwyd Iawn,
Na theirw na thurturod,
  Cafwyd Iawn.

Ystyriwn gariad Trindod
  O'u gwir fodd, o'u gwir fodd
Yn trefnu'r ffordd y cymod
  O'u gwir fodd;
Y Tad yn ethol meichie,
Y Mab yn fodlon diodde,
A'r Ysbryd Glân ei ddonie,
  O'u gwir fodd, o'u gwr fodd
Yn tywys Seion adre
  O'u gwir fodd.

Diosgodd Crist o'i goron,
  o'i wirfodd, o'i wirfodd,
Er mwyn coroni Seion,
  o'i wirfodd;
I blygu'i ben dihalog
O dan y goron ddreiniog
I ddioddef dirmyg llidiog,
  o'i wirfodd, o'i wirfodd,
Er codi pen yr euog,
  o'i wirfodd.

O cofiwn Gethsemane
  Lle bu ef, lle bu ef
Yn chwysu'r gwaed yn ddagre,
  Lle bu ef,
Ac am y fflangell greulon
Yn arddu cefn y cyfion
Ar hyd heolydd Seion,
  Lle bu ef, lle bu ef,
A'i gnawd yn gwysi hirion,
  Lle bu ef.

Hawdd olrhain ei gerddediad
  Hyd y llys, hy y llys,
Gan lwybr coch orlifiad
  Hyd y llys,
Lle cafodd Iesu cyfion
Ei watwar gan elynion
A tharo'i wyneb tirion
  Yn y llys, yn y llys,
Er dirmyg ar ei berson
  Yn y llys.

O'r llys at orsedd Pilat
  Er ein mwyn, er win mwyn,
Taenellwyd gwaed ein Ceidwad
  Er ein mwyn;
Lle bu y Duw anfeidrol
Yn goddef barn angheuol
Gan ei greadur meidrol
  Er ein mwyn, er ein mwyn,
Yn fud fel caeth troseddol
  Er ein mwyn.

O dacw'r Oen mewn dalfa
  Er ein mwyn, er ein mwyn,
Yn esgyn pen Calfaria
  Er ein mwyn,
I ddioddef dwyfol loesion
Ar ben y groes rhwng lladron,
Y bicell fain a'r hoelion
  Er ein mwyn, er ein mwyn,
A cholli gwaed ei galon
  Er ein mwyn.

Gorweddodd yn y beddrod
  Er ein mwyn, er ein mwyn,
I dynnu'r damp o'i waelod
  Er ein mwyn;
Yn awr mae ar ei orsedd
Yn cynnig rhad drugaredd,
Maddeuant a thangnefedd
  Er ein mwyn, er ein mwyn,
I'r adyn mwyaf ffiaidd,
  Er ein mwyn.

Cyfiawnder a fodlonwyd
  'Waith ei Iawn,
      'waith ei Iawn,
A'r ddeddf a anrhydeddwyd
  'Waith ei Iawn;
Mae uffern fawr yn crynu
A'r durtur bêr yn canu
A Duw a dyn yn gwenu
  'Waith ei Iawn,
      'waith ei Iawn,
Mewn hedd yn mherson Iesu
  'Waith ei Iawn.

Am hyn, bechadur, brysia,
  fel yr wyt, fel yr wyt,
I 'mofyn am dy Noddfa,
  fel yr wyt
I ti'r agorwyd ffynnon
A ylch dy glwyfau duon
Fel eira gwyn yn Salmon,
  fel yr wyt, fel yr wyt,
Gan hynny, tyrd yn brydlon,
  fel yr wyt.
'n faban bach :: maban bach
faban bach :: maban bach
Jiwda :: Iwda

David Hughes (Eos Iâl) 1794?-1862

Tonau [7373.777373]:
Ar Gyfer Heddiw'r Bore (alaw Gymreig)
  Baban Bach (<1962)

A Little Baby
For the sake of this very morning
  As a little baby, a little baby
Was born the root of Jesse
  As a little baby;
The Strong one who came from Bosra,
The Lawmaker of old on Sinai,
The Redemption to be had on Calvary
  As a little baby, a little Baby,
Suckling the breast of Mary,
  As a little Baby.

The life-giving water of Ezekiel is found
  On Mary's knee, on Mary's knee,
And the true Messiah of Daniel
  On Mary's knee;
Here is the wise boychild of Isaiah,
The promise made to Adam,
The Alpha and Omega
  On Mary's knee, on Mary's knee;
In the stall in Beth'lem of Judah,
  On Mary's knee.

Rest, henceforth, ye Levites,
  Atonement was made, atonement was made,
No need for animals,
  Atonement was made;
The shadow has vanished,
The substance has come,
No need for lambs or cows,
  Atonement was made, atonement was made,
Or bulls or turtle-doves,
  Atonement was made.

Let us consider the love of the Trinity
  Of their free will, of their free will
In arranging the way of the covenant
  Of their free will;
The Father electing a surety,
The Son willing to suffer,
And the Holy Spirit his gifts,
  Of their free will, of their free will,
Leading Zion home
  Of their free will.

Christ took off his crown,
  Of his free-will, of his free-will,
In order to crown Zion,
  Of his free-will;
To bow his undefiled head
Under the thorny crown 
To suffer enraged derision,
  Of his free-will, of his free-will,
To raise the head of the guilty,
  Of his free-will.

O let us remember Gethsemane
  Where he was, where he was
Sweating the blood as tears,
  Where he was,
And the cruel scourge
Digging up the back of the righteous one
Along the streets of Zion,
  Where he was, where he was,
With his flesh as long furrows,
  Where he was.

Easy to trace his walk
  As far as the court, as far as the court,
By the path of a red overflow
  As far as the court,
Where Jesus the righteous one was
Mocked by his enemies
And his tender face struck
  In the court, in the court,
To scorn his person
  In the court.

From the court to the throne of Pilate
  For our sake, for our sake,
The blood of our Saviour was poured out
  For our sake;
Where the immortal God was
Suffering deathly judgment
By the mortal creature
  For our sake, for our sake,
Mute like a captive transgressor
  For our sake.

O yonder is the Lamb in custody
  For our sake, for our sake,
Ascending the head of Calvary
  For our sake,
To suffer mortal anguish
Upon the cross between thieves,
The sharp spear and the nails
  For our sake, for our sake,
And shedding the blood of his heart
  For our sake.

He lay in the tomb
  For our sake, for our sake,
To draw the damp from its bottom
  For our sake;
Now he is on his throne
Offering free mercy,
Forgiveness and peace
  For our sake, for our sake,
To the most detestable reprobate,
  For our sake.

Righteousness was satisfied
  By the work of his atonement,
      by the work of his atonement,
And the law was honoured
  By the work of his atonement;
Great hell is trembling
And the sweet turtle-dove singing
And God and man smiling
  By the work of his atonement,
      by the work of his atonement,
In peace in the person of Jesus
  By the work of his atonement.

Therefore, sinner, hurry,
  As thou art, as thou art,
To ask for his Sanctuary,
  As thou art;
For thee the well was opened
Which washes thy black wounds
Like the white snow on Salmon,
  As thou art, as thou art,
For that, come promptly,
  As thou art.
as a little baby :: my little baby
little baby :: my little baby

tr. 2008,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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