Ar noswaith oer bu'r Iesu

(Gethsemane a Chalfaria)
Ar noswaith oer bu'r Iesu
  Yn chwysu'r dafnau gwaed,
Pan oedd mewn ymdrech meddwl
  Wrth ddyoddef llid ei Dad!
Fe yfai'r cwpan chwerw
  Wrth farw ar y pren:
Palmantodd ffordd i'r bywyd
  O'r ddaear hyd y nen.

Am rîn ei waed mi ganaf,
  Er lleied yw fy nawn,
Ac am y cariad bore, -
  Mae'n destyn peraidd iawn;
Wrth edrych i Galfaria,
  'Rwy'n gwel'd fy meiau'n lli',
Yn dryllio'r Oen diniwaid,
  Er mwyn fy arbed i!
Morgan Rhys 1716-79

[Tôn [7676D]: Caellyngoedd (Stephen Llwyd 1794-1854)

gwelir: Fyth fyth rhyfedda'i'r cariad

(Gethsemane and Calvary)
On a cold evening Jesus was
  Sweating the drops of blood,
When he was in a mental battle
  On suffering the wrath of his Father!
He would drink the bitter cup
  On dying on the tree:
A way was paved to the life
  From the earth as far as heaven.

About the merit of his blood I shall sing,
  Despite how small is my talent,
And about the love of morning -
  It is a very sweet theme;
On looking to Calvary,
  I see my faults as a flood,
Crushing the innocent Lamb,
  In order to save me!
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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