Ar y dolydd eang

(Beibl Arall Duw)
Ar y dolydd eang,
  Ar llechweddau serth;
Ar ysgwyddau'r mynydd,
  Ar y creigiau certh -
Gwelir enw'r Arglwydd,
  Mewn llyth'renau byw;
Beth yw'r greadigaeth,
  Ond Beibl arall Duw.

Pwy sydd yn llefaru
  Yn yr awel gref?
Ond yr hwn a hongiodd
  Fydoedd diri'r nef;
Sua dail y llwyni,
  Rhua tonau'r môr,
Cana'r ddaear trwyddi,
  Enw'r Arglwydd Iôr.

Adar y wybrenydd,
  Pysg y dyfnder mawr;
Seren gynta'r hwyrddydd,
  Seren ola'r wawr;
Engyl gwynion gwynfyd,
  Bodau o bob rhyw —
Yn eu cylchoedd folant,
  Enw'r Arglwydd Dduw.
John Ceiriog Hughes (Ceiriog) 1832-87
Côr y Plant 1875

Tôn [6565D]: Beibl Arall Duw (John P Jones)

(God's Other Bible)
On the broad meadows,
  On steep slopes;
On the shoulder of the mountain,
  On the terrible rocks -
The Lord's name is to be seen,
  In living letters;
What is the creation,
  But God's other Bible?

Who is speaking
  In the strong breeze,
But him who hung
  The innumerable worlds of heaven?
The whispering of the leaves of the groves,
  The rushing of the waves of the sea,
The earth sings throughout it,
  The name of the Sovereign Lord.

The birds of the sky,
  The fish of the great deep;
The first star of the evening,
  The last star of the dawn;
White angels of blessedness,
  Beings of every kind -
In their circles they praise,
  The name of the Lord God.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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