Arglwydd y lluoedd ti yw'r unig Un

("Ti ydwyt Dduw, ie Tydi yn unig.")
Arglwydd y lluoedd,
    Ti yw'r unig Un
Dros holl deyrnasoedd
    rhwysgfawr euog ddyn:
  Fel golau claer
      ysblander haul uwchben
  Llewyrcha arnom 'n awr,
      O! Frenin Nen.

Ti yw ein Llywydd,
    aros gyd ni,
Gwir Amddiffynnydd,
    Cyfaill hoff a Rhi!
  O! Dduw ein tadau,
    Duw pob gwlad ac oes,
  Â'th gymorth drud
    nid ofnwn boen na chroes!

Cân buddugoliaeth 
    seinir 'n awr drwy'r byd
 llais peroriaeth
    nef a dae'r ynghyd;
  Boed holl genhedlodd
      gwasgar ddynol-ryw
  Fel brodyr, byth yn
      un yn nheulu Duw!
Ifor Leslie Evans 1897-1952

Tôn []: Cân 22 (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)

("Thou art God; yes, Thou alone.")
Lord of the hosts,
    Thou art the only One
Over all the ostentatious
    kingdoms of guilty man:
  Like the clear light of the
      splendour of the sun overhead
  Shine upon us now,
      O King of Heaven.

Thou art our Governor,
    stay with us,
True Defender,
    Beloved Friend and Master!
  O God of our fathers,
      God of every land and age,
  With thy precious help
      we shall not fear pain or cross!

A song of victory
    is sounded now throughout the world
With the voice of the sweet oration
    of heaven and earth together;
  Let all the nations
      of scattered human-kind
  Be like brothers, forever as
      one in the family of God!
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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