Arglwydd anfon dy genhadon

(Yr Eglwys a'r Byd - Tramor)
Arglwydd anfon dy genhadon
  Yn finteioedd dros y lli;
Clywir cri o'r pell ynysoedd,
  "Tyred, drosodd, cymorth ni";
    Nos anobaith
  A diflanna gyda'r wawr.

Tywys hwy dros brig y tonnau,
  Tywys hwy yn wyneb llu,
Rho d'arweiniad mewn cyfyngder,
  Rho oleuni oddi fry;
    Mewn gorthrymder,
  Gwna hwy'n llawen trwy dy ras.

Dryllia rwymau ofergoeledd,
  Deued, gwawred dyddiau gwell,
A thywynned Haul gwirionedd
  Yn llochesau'r pagan pell;
    Hedd a chariad
  Fyddo yn amgylchu'r byd.
D Ambrose Jones 1866-1951

Tonau [878747]:
Blaencefn (John Thomas 1839-1922)
Caersalem (Robert Edwards 1796-1862)
Dretzel (C H Dretzel / W H Monk)

(The Church and the World - Overseas)
Lord, send thy emissaries
  As squads across the tide;
From the distant island the cry be heard:
  "Come thou, over, help us";
    The night of hopelessness
  Shall vanish with the dawn.

Lead them over the crest of the waves,
  Lead them in the face of a host,
Give thy leading in straits,
  Give light from above;
    In affliction,
  Make them joyful through thy grace.

Shatter the bonds of superstition,
  May better days come and dawn,
And may the Sun of truth shine
  In the refuges of the distant pagan;
    Peace and love
  Be surrounding the world.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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