Arglwydd Crëwr doeth y bydoedd

(Fodolaeth Duw)
Arglwydd, Crëwr doeth y bydoedd!
  Achos mawr y cwbl oll!
Yn dy natur nid oes diffyg,
  Yn dy waith ni welir coll;
'R wyt yn ffynon it' dy hunan
  O ddedwyddwch pur a llawn;
Annibynol, digyfnewid,
  Ydwyt fore a phrydnhawn.

Dengys daear, dengys nefoedd,
  Dy ogoniant, o fy Nuw,
Dylai dynion dy ryfeddu,
  Ac yn ufydd i ti fyw;
Dylem barchu Un mor uchel,
  Plygu'n ddidwyll ger ei fron;
Caru Un sydd oll yn hawddgar,
  A'i was'naethu ef yn llòn.

Agor lygaid ein meddyliau,
  Gâd in' wel'd dy degwch di;
Cymer feddiant o'n calonau,
  Bydd yn Rhan am byth i ni';
Trwy dy ras plyg ein hysbrydoedd,
  Dan dy driniaeth b'om o hyd;
O addasa ni yn hollol,
  I'th fwynhau mewn bythol fyd.
Evan Griffiths (Ieuan Ebblig) 1795-1873
Casgliad E Griffiths 1855

[Mesur: 8787D]

(The Existence of God)
Lord, wise Creator of the worlds!
  Great cause of the entire whole!
In thy nature is no deficiency,
  In thy work no loss is to be seen;
Thou art a fount for thyself
  Of pure and full happiness;
Independent, unchangeable,
  Art thou morning and evening.

Earth shows, heaven shows,
  Thy glory, from my God,
Men ought to wonder at thee,
  And obedient to thee live;
We should reverence One so high,
  Bow sincerely before thee;
Love One who is all beautiful,
  And serve him cheerfully.

Open the eyes of our thoughts,
  Let us see thy fairness;
Take possession of our hearts,
  Be a Portion forever to us;
Through thy grace bend our spirits,
  Under thy treatment let us be always;
O adapt us completely,
  To enjoy thee in an eternal world.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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