Arglwydd cynnal fy ngherddediad

(Am nodded Duw - Salm XVII. 5-9.)
Arglwydd, cynnal fy ngherddediad
Yn dy lwybrau glân yn wastad,
  Fel na lithro'm traed un amser,
  Ac na phallo byth fy hyder.

Arnat ti y galwaf etto
Can's un parod wyt i wrando;
  Gostwng attaf, Iôr, dy glustiau,
  Ac erglyw fy nhaer ymbiliau.

Dangos i mi ras rhyfededol,
O Achubydd cyfamserol
  Pawb sydd ynot yn hyderu,
  Rhag pob gelyn
      gais eu drygu!

Cadw fi fel canwyll llygad,
Rhag holl frad y gelyn anfad;
  A than gysgod dy adenydd,
  Fel na ddryger,
      cudd fi beunydd.
Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831, 1837

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(About God's protection - Psalm 17:5-9.)
Lord, support my walking
In thy holy paths constantly,
  That my feet slip not once,
  And that my confidence never fade.

Upon thee I shall call still
Since one ready art thou to listen;
  Bend down to me, Master, thy ears,
  And listen to my fervent supplications.

Show to me amazing grace,
O timely Saviour;
  Everyone is in thee having confidence,
  Against every enemy
      seeking to do them evil!

Preserve me like the apple of an eye,
From all the treachery of the wicked enemy;
  And under the shadow of thy wings,
  So as not to be done evil to,
      cover me daily.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
5 That I may still, in spite of wrongs,
     my innocence secure;
   O guide me in thy righteous ways,
     and make my footsteps sure.

6 Since heretofore I ne'er in vain
    to thee my pray'r addressed;
  O now, my God, incline thine ear
    to this my just request.

7 The wonders of thy truth and love
    in my defence engage;
  Thou, whose right hand
      preserves thy saints
    from their oppressors' rage.

8 O! keep me in thy tend'rest care;
    thy shelt'ring wings
        stretch out,
9 To guard me safe from savage foes,
    that compass me about.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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