a llwyddiant yr Efengyl) Arglwydd, cynnal dy genhadon Dros y geirwon foroedd draw, Trwy gael gweld a phrofi beunydd Fod eu Llywydd cryf gerllaw; Aed ymlaen y genadwri, Nes cyhoeddi Ceidwad rhad I bechadur gwedi syrthio, A'i egluro ymhob gwlad. Dyro'r greadigaeth drwyddi, I gydweini yn dy waith; Nes goleuo tywyll gonglau Holl derfynau daear faith: Cael y meini o'r anialwch, Tyrrau llwch, dywyllwch du; A chael allan ddrylliau arian, A phraidd corlan Iesu cu. Pâr ddychwelyd llwythau'r holl-fyd I'r un ysbryd a'r un iaith; Ti gei'r enw, ti gei'r moliant, A'r gogoniant am y gwaith: Gan Iddewon a Chenhedloedd, A llu'r nefoedd, oll yn un, Yn cydseinio trwy'r uchelder, A'r ehangder mawr ei hun.Griffith Williams (Gutyn Peris) 1769-1838 Caniadau Sion 1827 Tôn [8787D]: Hamburg (J Schop / F Filitz) |
and the success of the Gospel) Lord, uphold thy messengers Across yonder rough seas, Through getting to see and experience daily That their strong Leader is at hand; Let the message go forward, Until announcing a gracious Saviour To fallen sinners, And to explain him in every land. Grant the creation thoroughly, To serve together in thy work; Until enlightening the dark corners Of all the ends of the vast earth: To get the stones from the desert, Piles of dust, black darkness; And to get out silver fragments of silver, And the flock of the fold of dear Jesus. Cause the tribes of all the world to return To the one spirit and the one language; Thou shalt get the name, thou shalt get the praise: And the glory for the work: By Jews and Gentiles, And the host of heaven, all as one, Sounding together throughout the height, And the great breadth itself.tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion |