Arglwydd dyrcha ar fy yspryd

(Cysuron Addewid Duw)
Arglwydd! dyrcha, ar fy yspryd,
  Lewyrch o'r uchelder fry,
Fel y cefnwyf mewn sirioldeb
  Ar deganau'r ddaear ddu!
Golwg ar yr archoffeiriad
  Cofio'r Cyfiawn
      yn Ei loes,
Bâr i'm henaid eiddil ganu
  Dan flinderau mwya'r oes.

Nertha f'enaid yn y tywydd,
  Cwbwlhâ D'addewid lân -
Oni ddwedaist nad adewit
  D'eiddo yn y dŵr na'r tân?
Wrthyt caffed f'enaid eiddil
  Lynu yn y dywell nôs;
Dal fi â'th ddeheulaw gadarn
  Fel na flinwyf dan y groes!
Richard Jones ?1771-1833

Tôn [8787D]: Bethany (Henry Smart 1813-79)

(The Comforts of God's Promise)
Lord, raise upon my spirit,
  A gleam from the height above,
That I may turn my back cheerfully
  On the trinkets of the black earth!
A view upon the high priest,
  Remembering the Righteous One
      in his anguish,
Shall cause my feeble soul to sing
  Under the greatest griefs of the age.

Strengthen my spirit in the weather,
  Fulfil thy holy promise -
Didst thou not say thou wouldst not leave
  Thine own in the water or the fire?
To thee may my feeble soul get
  To stick in the dark night;
Hold me with thy firm right hand
  That I may not grieve under the cross!
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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