Arglwydd dyro yr eneiniad

(Eneiniad yr Ysbryd)
Arglwydd, dyro yr Eneiniad
  I ni yn yr odfa hon,
Nerthol ddylanwadau 'th Ysbryd
  Gaffo'u teimlo ger dy fron;
Aed yn llefain am drugaredd
  Wrth dy orsedd yma'n awr,
Nef a daear fyddo'n canu
  Gyda hwyl yr Anthem fawr.

Enw dy Eneiniog anwyl
  Heddyw aed yn uchel iawn;
Agor filoedd o galonau
  Iddo i roi derbyniad llawn;
Fel y llanwer temlau Sïon
  Â llawenydd pur a chân
Ac bo'u moliant yn dyrchafu
  Hyd y nef i'th enw glân.
Thomas Roberts (Scorpion) 1816-87

Tonau [8787D]:
Edinburgh (alaw Gymreig)
Hamburgh (J Schop / F Filitz)

(The Anointing of the Spirit)
Lord, grant the anointing
  To us in this meeting,
May the strong influences of thy Spirit
  Be felt in thy presence;
May it go as a cry for mercy
  At thy throne here now,
May heaven and earth be singing
  With gusto the great anthem.

May the name of thy dear anointing
  Today go very high;
Open thousands of hearts
  To him to give full acceptance;
That the temples of Zion be filled
  With pure joy and song
And that their praise rise up
  As far as heaven to his holy name.
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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