Arglwydd dysg i mi weddïo

(Dysgu gweddïo)
Arglwydd, dysg i mi weddïo
  Priod waith pob duwiol yw:
Treulio 'nyddiau oll i'th geisio 
  A mawrygu d'enw gwiw;
    Dedwydd ydyw
  A ddisgwylio wrthyt ti.

Gad im droi i'm stafell ddirgel,
  Ti a minnau yno 'nghyd,
Profi gwerth y funud dawel
  Pan fo'n drystfawr
        oriau'r byd;
    Rho im glywed
  Neges y distawrwydd dwfn.

Rho im ddyfal daerni'r Iesu,
  Gofyn am a geisiai ef,
Cael y ffydd nad yw yn methu
  Agor euraid byrth y nef;
    Yn ei enw
  Popeth nef a
        daear gaf.
Richard Samuel Rogers 1882-1950

Tonau [878747]:
Rhondda (M O Jones 1842-1908)
Tyddyn Llwyn (Evan Morgan 1846-1920)

(Teaching to Pray)
Lord, teach me to pray
  The proper work of all the godly it is:
To spend my all my days to seek thee
  And magnify thy worthy name;
    Happy is one
  Who waits upon thee.

Let me turn to my secret room,
  Thou and I there together,
Experiencing the worth of a quiet minute
  During the greatly turbulent
        hours of the world;
    Grant me to hear
  The message of the deep silence.

Grant me the diligent persistence of Jesus,
  To ask for what he would seek,
To get the faith that does not fail
  To open the golden portals of heaven;
    In his name
  Everything of heaven and
        earth I shall get.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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