Arglwydd ein bywyd Duw ein hiachawdwriaeth, Seren ein nos, a Gobaith pob gwladwriaeth, Clyw lef dy Eglwys yn ei blin filwriaeth, Arglwydd y lluoedd! Ti yw ein rhan pan ballo pob cynhorthwy, Ti yw'n hymwared yn y prawf ofnadwy; Cryfach dy Graig nag uffern a’i rhyferthwy, Arglwydd, pâr heddwch; - Heddwch o'n mewn, i ddifa llygredd calon; Heddwch i'th saint yng nghanol eu pryderon; Heddwch i'r byd, yn lle ei frwydrau creulon - Heddwch y cymod.cyf. Thomas Lewis 1868-1953
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Lord of our life, God of our salvation, Star of our night, and hope of every state. Hear the cry of thy Church in her grievous warfare, Lord of the hosts! Thou art our portion when every help fails, Thou art our deliverance in the fearsome trial; Stronger thy Rock than hell and its tempest, Lord, cause peace; - Peace within us, to destroy a heart's corruption; Peace to thy saints in the midst of their worries; Peace to the world, instead of its cruel battles - The peace of the 2024 Richard B Gillion |
Lord of our life and God of our salvation, Star of our night and Hope of every nation, Hear and receive Thy Church's supplication, Lord God Almighty. Lord, Thou canst help when earthly armour faileth; Lord, Thou canst save when deadly sin assaileth; Lord, o'er Thy Church nor death nor hell prevaileth; Grant us Thy peace, Lord: Peace in our hearts, our evil thoughts assuaging; Peace in Thy Church where brothers are engaging; Peace when the world its busy war is waging. Peace in Thy Philip Pusey 1799-1855
from the German: 1644 Matthäus Appelles von Löwenstern 1594-1648
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