Arglwydd gollwng dan dy fendith

(Wrth ymadael)
Arglwydd, gollwng dàn dy fendith
  Bawb i 'madael yn Dy hedd,
Gan ymborthi ar y manna
  Efengylaidd, dwyfol wledd;
Llanw'n calon â'th gysuron,
  Cwyd ein llais i foli'r Iôn,
Yna, 'nghwmni'r
        heirdd angylion,
  Canwn i Ti beraidd dôn.
Gan ymborthi :: Drwy ymborthi
Llanw'n calon :: Llanw'n meddwl
Cwyd ein llais :: C'od ein llais
heirdd angylion :: hardd angelion

Diferion y Cyssegr 1809

            - - - - -

Arglwydd, gollwng dan dy fendith,
  Rho dy heddwch dan ein bron,
Portha'n henaid â'r gwir fanna,
  Cariad pur seraphaidd llon;
Llanwn calon â chysuron,
  Atat ti dyrchafwn lais,
Pan y delom adref atat,
  Yna rhown it'
          glod parhaus.

    Halaluia i Dduw ac i'r Oen,
      I oesoedd diderfyn
    Y maith dragwyddoldeb,
      Halaluia, Amen.
Cas. o dros 2000 o Hymnau (S Roberts) 1841

Tonau [8787D]:
Alleluia Dule Carmen / Bendithiad
    (Essay on the Church Plain Chant 1782)
Carmel (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy 1809-47)
Dismission (Motetts or Antiphons 1792)
Port Penrhyn (John H Roberts 1848-1924)
St Hilary (Gauther)

(On departing)
Lord, release under thy blessing
  Everyone to depart in thy peace,
While pasturing on the manna
  Of a divine, gospel feast;
Flood our heart with thy comforts,
  Raise our voice to praise the Master,
Then, in the company of the
        beautiful angels,
  We shall sing to thee a sweet tune.
While pasturing :: Through pasturing
Flood our heart :: Flood our thought


              - - - - -

Lord, release under thy blessing,
  Put thy peace under our breast,
Pasture our soul with the true manna,
  The pure love of cheerful seraphim;
Flood our heart with comforts,
  To thee we raise a voice,
When we come home to thee,
  Then we shall render to thee
      continuous acclaim.

    Hallelujah to God and to the Lamb,
      For endless ages
    The vast eternity,
      Hallelujah, Amen.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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