Arglwydd grasol cadw'th Eglwys

(Prydnawnol Weddi y Pummed Sul)
Arglwydd grasol, cadw'th Eglwys,
  Cadw'th deulu mawr dy Hun,
Rhag holl dwyll a llygredigaeth
  Athrawiaethau gweigion dyn;
Gosod arni weision ffyddlon,
  Goleu, iachus yn eu barn, -
'Thrawon wylio'r wir athrawiaeth,
  Ac a'i cadwo'n bur bob darn.

Llosged nefol dân Efengyl
  Bob gau grefydd yn y byd;
Pob gau farn, a gwag arferiad,
  Sy'n yr Eglwys fawr i gyd:
D'eiriau Di yw'r unig arfau
  Fwrw'r cestyll mawrion lawr;
Crefydd wrth dy eiriau'n unig
  Dal o flaen
      y frawdle fawr.
Casgliad o Hymnau (... ein Heglwys) Daniel Jones 1863

[Mesur: 8787D]

(Evening Prayer for the Fifth Sunday)
Gracious Lord, keep thy Church,
  Keep thy own great family,
From all deception and corruption
  Of the vain teachings of man;
Set over her faithful servants,
  Light, healthy in their judgment, -  
Teachers to watch the true teaching,
  And who will keep it pure every part.

May heavenly Gospel fire burn
  Every false belief in the world;
Every false judgment, and vain practice,
  Which is in the great Church altogether:
Thy word is the only weapon
  To cast the great castles down;
Belief in thy words alone
  Shall stand before
      the great judgment seat.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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