Arglwydd Iesu dysg im gerdded

("Dysg i mi dy ffordd, O Arglwydd!")
Arglwydd Iesu, dysg im gerdded
  Drwy y byd yn ôl dy droed;
'Chollodd neb y ffordd i'r nefoedd
  Wrth dy ganlyn di erioed:
    Mae yn olau
Ond cael gweld dy wyneb di.

Araf iawn wyf fi i ddysgu,
  Amyneddgar iawn wyt ti;
Mae dy ras yn drech na phechod –
  Aeth dy ras â'm henaid i;
    Paid rhoi 'fyny
Nes im gyrraedd trothwy'r drws.

Ar fy ngyrfa dysg im weithio
  Gwaith y nef, wrth olau ffydd,
Nes im ddyfod yn gyfarwydd
  Â gorchwylion gwlad y dydd;
    Dysgu'r anthem
  Cyn cael telyn yn y côr.

Dysg im siarad yn fwy nefol,
  Fel preswylwyr pur y wlad;
Dysg im feddwl, fel yr angel,
  Yn fwy annwyl am fy Nhad:
    Wedi'r dysgu,
  Ti gei'r mawl
        a'r enw byth.
Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953

Tonau [878747]:
Hyder (Richard Ellis 1775-1855)
Oriau'r Hwyr (J Owen Jones 1876-1962)
Rhondda (M O Jones 1842-1908)

("Teach me thy way, O Lord!")
Lord Jesus, teach me to walk
  Through the world in thy footprint;
No-one ever lost the way
  To heaven while following thee:
    It is light
  Just to see thy face.

Very slow am I to learn,
  Very patient art thou;
Thy grace overcomes sin -
  Thy grace has taken my soul;
    Do not give me up
  Until I reach the door's threshold.

On my course teach me to work
  The work of heaven, by the light of faith,
Until I become familiar
  With the tasks of the land of day;
    Learning the anthem
  Before getting a harp in the choir.

Teach me to speak more heavenly,
  Like a pure inhabitant of the land;
Teach me to think, like the angel,
  More dearly about my Father:
    After the teaching,
  Thou shalt get the praise
        and the name forever.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion
O Lord Jesus, lead my footsteps
  Through the world after your own;
You yourself the way to heaven
  And the truth and life alone;
Just to see your glorious face, will
  Be the light of life to me.

Jesus, good and patient teacher,
  Slow am I to learn your way;
Grace alone will help me triumph
  Over sin, so day by day,
Bring my serving to completion
  Until heaven's gates I see.

May I do the works of heaven
  As by faith I walk below,
Learning how do your will, Lord,
  And your praises here to show;
Singing here the heavenly anthem,
  Of your mercy full and free.

Let me speak the words of heaven,
  To your children here I meet,
May my prayers for blessings on them
  Fly up to your mercy-seat;
Then I'll praise you, my Redeemer,
  And acclaim
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

Tune [878787]: Rhondda (M O Jones 1842-1908)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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