Arglwydd llwydda dy efengyl

(Yn Dymuno Llwyddiant i'r Efengyl)
Arglwydd llwydda dy efengyl;
  Achub bechauriaid mawr;
Sydd yn troi at hon eu gwegil,
  Gan ei gwrthod hyd yn awr:
Fel segurwyr yn y farchnad,
  Heb ofera ddyddiau maith;
O cyfloga hwy yn fuan
  I dy winllan at eu gwaith.

De'wch, blant bychain,
    da yw'ch gweled
  Ar y drydydd awr o'ch dydd;
De'wch O! ie'ngctyd ar y chweched,
  Galwad cyflawn i chwi sydd;
Deuwch, chwithau ar y nawfed,
  Cyn yr elo hi'n brydnhawn;
De'wch, hen bobl, cyn ' ddeuddegfed;
  Hi aeth yn ddiweddar iawn!
John Thomas 1730-1804?
Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tôn [8787D]: Tal-y-Bont (<1876)

gwelir: Rhan o'r gauaf du aeth heibio

(Desiring Success for the Gospel)
Lord, make your gospel succeed;
  Save great sinners;
Who are turning to this their neck,
  While refusing it up to now;
Like those idle in the market,
  Without wasting vast days;
O hire them soon
  For thy vineyard to their work.

Come, ye little children,
    good it is to see
  At the third hour of your day;
Come, O youth, at the sixth,
  A full call to you there is;
Come, ye at the ninth,
  Before it becomes evening;
Come, ye old people, before the twelfth;
  It is becoming very late!
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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