Arwain fi O Dduw Jehofa, Trwy'r anialwch dyrus maith, Myfi sy'n wan, 'rwyt ti yn gadarn, Dal fi tra b'wy' ar fy nhaith, Portha'm henaid gyda'r bara ddaeth o'r nef. Agor Di y ffynnon fywiol, O ba un y tardd iachad; Bydd fel colofn dân i'm harwain, Nes i'm ddod i'r Ganaan wlad; Geidwad cadarn, bydd yn noddfa ac yn rym. Pan ar lan yr hen Iorddonen, Pâr i'm hofnau ffoi yn glir, Rho i'm dirio yn ddiogel, 'Rochor draw yn Nghanaan dir, Haleliwia, i'r Messiah roddaf byth.efel. Thomas Williams 1794-1829 [Mesur: 878783] |
Lead me, O God Jehovah, Through the vast troublesome desert, Whereas I am weak, thou art strong, Hold me while ever I am on my journey, Feed my soul with the bread that came from heaven. Open thou the lively fountain, The one from which salvation springs; Be like a pillar of fire to lead me, Until I come to the land of Canaan; Strong Saviour, be a refuge and a force. When on the bank of the old Jordan, Cause my fears to flee clearly, Grant me to land safely, On yonder side in the land of Canaan, Hallelujah, to the Messiah I shall render 2023 Richard B Gillion |
Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land. I am weak, but Thou art mighty; Hold me with Thy powerful hand. Bread of heaven, Feed me now and evermore. Open thou the crystal fountain, Whence the healing stream doth flow; Let the fire and cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through. Strong deliverer, Be Thou still my strength and shield. When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside; Death of death and hell's destruction, Land me safe on Canaan's side. Songs of praises, I will ever give to 1771 Peter Williams 1723-96
from the Welsh William Williams 1717-91
Tunes [878747]: |