At bwy f'anwylyd Iesu?

(Ioan vi. 67,68.)
At bwy f'anwylyd Iesu,
  Yr âf o'th ŵydd
      a'th dŷ?
Rhyw erchyll nos sy'n nesu,
  O colla' i'th wyneb cu:
Mae'r byd yn llawn diffeithwch
  A d'rysni oll i gyd;
Nid oes ond ti a'th heddwch
  A all sirioli 'mryd.

Tydi yw llyw fy enaid,
  Ar fôr o donnau'n llawn,
Sy'n curo arna' i'n ddibaid,
  Foreuddydd a phrydnawn:
Tydi yw'r "ffordd a'r bywyd:"
  I b'le i grwydro'r âf?
Yr wyf yn waeth nâg ynfyd,
  Os gadael Crist a wnaf.

Tydi yw ffynnon hyfryd
  Yr Iachawdwriaeth fawr,
I fyrdd yn rhoddi bywyd
  Pan maent ar soddi i lawr.
Dywysog mawr tangnefedd,
  Dad trag'wyddoldeb maith,
Os palli di'th ymgeledd,
  At bwy cyfeiria' 'i nhaith?

Tydi yw'r Seren forau
  Sy'n arwain myrdd yn lân,
Trwy ddyffryn cysgod angau,
  I fro'r drag'wyddol gân; -
Tydi a'th waed yw testun
  Caniadau'r nefoedd wen:
Fy Mrawd, fy Nuw, fy Mrenin,
  Boed iti'r mawl. Amen.
Daniel Evans (Daniel Ddu o Geredigion) 1792-1846
Gwinllan y Bardd 1831

[Mesur: 7676D]

(John 6:67,68.)
To whom my dear Jesus,
  Shall I go from thy presence
      and thy house?
Some terrible night is coming,
  From missing thy dear face:
The world is full of desolation
  And all confusion altogether;
There is not but thee and thy peace
  That can cheer my mind.

Thou art the helm of my soul,
  On a sea full of waves,
That are beating upon me ceaselessly,
  Morning and evening:
Thou art the "way and the life:"
  Where shall I go to wander?
I am worse than desperate,
  If I leave Christ.

Thou art the delightful fount
  Of the great Salvation,
To a myriad giving life
  When they are sinking down.
Great Prince of peace,
  Father of a vast eternity,
If thou fail thy succour,
  To whom shall I direct my journey?

Thou art thy morning Star
  That leads a myriad up,
Through the valley of the shadow of death,
  To the vale of eternal song; -
Thou with thy blood art the theme
  Of the songs of bright heaven:
My Brother, my God, my King,
  To thee be the praise. Amen.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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