At bwy yr awn O Fab y Dyn?

(Ioan vi. 68.)
At bwy yr awn, O! Fab y Dyn,
At bwy ond atat Ti dy Hun?
  I ddwys gwestiynau dynol-ryw
  Tydi, Tydi, yw ateb Duw.

I bawb, pwy ond Tydi sy'n Frawd?
Tydi yw Cyfaill gorau'r tlawd;
  'Cheir neb fel Ti i esmwythau
  Y rhai sy'n ysig dan yr iau.

Blinderau'r unig,
    ofnau'r gwan,
Caledi dynion ym mhob man,
  Sy'n agos at dy galon Di,
  O! Ddwyfol Frawd fu ar Galfari.

Gwna ninnau'n fwy fel Ti dy Hun,
I'th ddangos yn Waredwr dyn,
  Nes dweud o eraill gyda ni –
  "At bwy yr awn ond atat Ti?"

Tyn atat bawb drwy'r llydan fyd,
Gwna hwynt yn un drwy'r cariad drud;
  Dragwyddol Ffrind ein teulu ni,
  At bwy yr awn ond atat Ti?
Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Addoliad (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
Bryndioddef (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)

(John 6:68)
To whom shall we go, O Son of Man,
To whom but unto thee thyself?
  To the pressing questions of human-kind
  Thou, thou, art the answer of God.

To all, who but thou art a Brother?
Thou art the best Friend of the poor;
  None is found but thee to sooth
  Those who are bruised under the yoke.

The griefs of the lonely,
   the fears of the weak,
The hardship of men in every place,
  Are near to thy heart,
  O Divine Brother who wast on Calvary!

Make us too more like thee thyself,
To show thee the Deliverer of man,
  Until others with us also say -
  "To whom shall we go but unto thee?"

Draw to thee all throughout the wide world,
Make them one through the precious love;
  Eternal Friend of our family,
  To whom shall we go but unto thee?
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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