At rif treuliedig flwyddau'm hoes, Un arall aeth, ei thro a roes, Llefaru maent o hyd yn glau, Yr olaf sydd yn agosâu. Dyn wyf dan ddeddf holl ddynol-ryw, Unwaith i farw, ond byth i fyw; Llaweroedd o'm cyfoedion cu, A fudwyd draw i'r beddrod du. Rhyfeddu 'rwyf i'm Harglwydd hael Fy arbed i, bren diffrwyth gwael; Cynhyrfed hyn fy enaid llon I iawn ymostwng ger ei fron. Pa beth a dalaf, Ior, fy ngrym, It' am dy holl ddaioni im'? Boed gweddill f'oes bob dydd ac awr, Yn oes i foli'th gariad mawr.Cas. o dros 2000 o Hymnau (S Roberts) 1841 [Mesur: MH 8888] |
To the number of spent years of my life, One more has gone, its turn was given, Speaking they are always swiftly, "The last is drawing nigh." A man I am under the law of all human-kind, Once to die, but forever to life; Many of my dear contemporaries, Have been moved yonder to the black tomb. Wondering I am at my generous Lord's Saving me, a poor, fruitless tree; Let this rouse my cheerful soul Rightly to submit before him. What shall I pay, Master, my force, To thee for all thy goodness to me? May the rest of my life, every day and hour, Be an age to praise thy great 2023 Richard B Gillion |