Aur delynau seiniant

Aur delynau seiniant,
  Engyl gwyd eu llef,
Euraidd byrth agorant
  'N awr i Frenin nef;
Iesu, Brenin cariad,
  Aeth yn wrol hy',
Aeth mewn buddugoliaeth
  I'w orseddfaic fry.

    Ei holl waith ophenodd
      Yma ar y llawr
    Iesu a esgynodd
      Clod i'n Brenin Mawr.

'R Hwn a ddaeth i'n hachub,
  Trwy farw yn ein lle,
Sydd yn ogoneddus
  Yn y drydedd ne',
Byth i ddyoddef eto
  Boen na gwawd, na sen:
Brenin ydyw mwyach
  A choron ar ei ben.

Dros ei blant gweddïa
  Yn y ddedwydd wlad;
Parod i'w croesawu,
  Mae i dŷ ei Dad;
Parotôdd ogoniant
  Iddynt, hedd a bri;
Clyw ei wahoddiadau,
  Geilw arnat ti.
cyf. Ll., Treffynnon.
Trysorfa y Plant 1883

[Mesur: 6565D+6565]

Gold harps sound,
  Angels raise their cry,
Golden portals open
  Now for the King of heaven;
Jesus the King of love,
  Went bravely boldly,
He went in victory
  To his throne above.

    His whole work he finished
      Here on the earth
    Jesus has ascended
      Praise to the Great King.

He who came to save us,
  Through death in our place,
Is glorious
  In the third heaven,
Never to suffer again
  Pain or scorn, nor insult:
A King he is henceforth
  With a crown on his head.

For his children he prays
  In the happy land;
Ready to welcome them,
  He is to his Father's house;
He prepared glory
  For them, peace and esteem;
His his welcomes,
  He calls upon thee.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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