Awn at orseddfainc gras drwy ffydd

(Iesu ar ddeheulaw y Tad)
Awn at orseddfainc gras
    drwy ffydd,
  Mae'r ffordd yn rhydd a rhad,
Ac Iesu'n archoffeiriad fry,
  O'n tu ger bron y Tad;
Mae'i dosturiaethau yn ddidrai,
  Mae'i eiriau fel y diliau mêl,
Ac erys byth yn drysor llawn
  Ei ddawa i'r oesau ddêl.

Molienir Ef o oes i oes,
  Hyd olaf oes y byd;
Yn beraidd glod i'w enw glân
  Y rhoir y gân i gyd;
Ac wedi diffodd
    haul a sêr,
  A darfod rhifo amser mwy,
Ni dderfydd byth tra nef yn bod
  Fawr glod ei farwol glwy!
William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) 1802-83

Tonau [8686.8886]:
Beatrice (T Ll Jenkins)
Maentwrog (J Richards / W Hughes)
Maes-y-Plwm (John Hughes 1896-1968)

(Jesus at the right hand of the Father)
Let us go to the throne of grace
    through faith,
  The way is accessible and free,
And Jesus is the chief high priest above,
  On our side before the Father;
He sympathizes unfailingly,
  His words are like the combs of honey,
And his gift will remain forever
  Full of treasure for the ages to come.

He is to be praised from age to age,
  Until the last age of the world;
As sweet acclaim to his holy name
  All the song is to be given.
And after the sun and stars
    are extinguished,
  And counting time vanishes evermore,
Never while heaven exists shall vanish
  The great acclaim of his mortal wound!
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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