Awn i Fethlem bawb dan ganu

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9;  1,2,3,6;  1,3,4,6,7,5;  1,4,6,5,9.
Awn i Fethlem,
    bawb dan ganu,
Neidio, dawnsio a difyrru,
  I gael gweld ein Prynwr c'redig
  Aned heddiw, Ddydd Nadolig.

Dyma'r Ceidwad a ddanfonwys
Tad tosturi o Baradwys
  I'n gwaredu rhag marwolaeth,
  Ac i withio'n hiachawdwriaeth.

Awn i Fethlem bawb i weled
Dull ei wedd,
    a'r man y ganed,
  Fel y gallom ei addoli,
  A'i gydnabod gwedi'i eni.

Ni gawn seren i'n goleuo
Ac yn serchog i'n cyfrwyddo
 Nes y dyco hon ni'n gymwys
 I'r lle santaidd lle mae'n gorffwys.

Mae'r angylion yn llawenu
Mae'r ffurfafen yn tywynnu,
  Mae llu'r nef yn canu hymnau,
  Caned dynion rywbeth hwythau.

Mae'r bugeiliaid wedi blaenu
Tua Bethlem dan lonyddu,
  I gael gweld y grasol Frenin;
  Ceisiwn ninnau bawb eu dilyn.

Aeth y doethion i'w gyflwyno,
Ac i roi anrhegion iddo,
  Aur, a thus, a myrr o'r gorau,
  A'u hoffrymu ar eu gliniau.

Yn lle aur rhown
    lwyr gred ynddo,
Yn lle thus rhown
    foliant iddo,
  Yn lle myrr rhown
      wir ’ddifeirwch,
  Ac fe’i cymer trwy hyfrydwch.

Awn i Fethlem i gael gweled
Y rhyfeddod mwya' wnaethped,
  Gwneuthur Duw yn ddyn naturiol
  I gael marw dros ei bobol.
ein Prynwr c'redig :: y Mab caredig
lonyddu :: law'nychu,

Rhys Pritchard 1579?-1644

Tonau [8888]:
Awn i Fethlem / Llantrisant (alaw Gymreig)
  Edna (A W Dryhurst Roberts)
  Padrig (alaw Wyddelig)

Let us go to Bethlehem,
    with everyone singing,
Jumping, dancing and delighting,
  To get to see our loving Redeemer,
  Born today, The Day of Christmas!

Behold the Saviour whom the Father
Of mercies sent from Paradise
  To deliver us from death,
  And to work our salvation.

Let us all go to Bethlehem to see
The form of his face,
    and the place he was born,
  That we may adore him,
  And know him after he was born.

We may have a star to light us
And affectionately to guide us
  Until this brings us exactly
  To the holy place where he is lying.

The angels are rejoicing,
The firmament is shining,
  The host of heaven is singing hymns,
  May men sing something themselves!

The shepherds have advanced
Towards Bethlehem while becoming still,
  To get to see the gracious King;
  Let all of us try to follow them!

The wise men went to present to him,
And to give gifts to him,
  Gold, and incense, and myrrh of the best,
  And to offer them on their knees.

Instead of gold let us give
    complete belief in him,
Instead of incense let us
    give praise to him,
  Instead of myrrh let us
      give true repentance,
  And he will accept them with delight.

Let us go to Bethlehem to get to see
The greatest wonder ever wrought,
  God made natural man
  To get to die for his people.
our loving Redeemer :: the loving Son

tr. 2008,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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