Ac er bod/fod draw afonydd mawr
Er canfod draw afonydd mawr

(Teithio trwy nerth y groes)
Ac er bod draw afonydd mawr,
  Holl ofnau angeu loes,
Af trwyddynt,
    er eu grym a'u maint,
  Tan gysgod gwaed y groes.

Mi glywaf lais merthyron lu
  A seintiau yn y blaen,
'Nawr wedi cyrhaedd pen y daith,
  Er waethaf dŵr a thân.

Fy enaid, diangc tua'r lan,
  Nac ofna'r drygau hyn,
A chadw d'olwg yn y blaen
  Yn union at y bryn.

Edrychaf ar y croesbren trwm
  Fu ar ei ysgwydd Ef,
A'r goron ddrain
    fu ar ei ben,
  Pan brynodd imi'r nef.

Mae'n eiriol heddyw o flaen y fainc,
  Yn cofio'i boen a'i wa'd;
Ac wedi gwneyd tragwyddol hedd
  'Nawr rhyngof fi a'm Tad.
Ac er bod/fod draw :: Er canfod draw

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Ballerma (F H Barthélémon 1741-1808)
Martyrdom (Hugh Wilson 1766-1824)
St Agnes (John Bacchus Dykes 1823-76)
Winchester Old (Salmydd Este 1592)

(Travelling through the strength of the cross)
And although there are yonder great rivers,
  All the fears of the throes of death,
I will go through them,
    despite their force and their extent,
  Under the shadow of the blood of the cross.

I hear the voice of a host of martyrs
  And saints in the fore,
Now having reached the destination,
  Despite water and fire.

My soul, escape upwards,
  Nor fear these evils,
And keep thy sight forward
  Directly towards the hill!

I look on the heavy wooden cross
  Which was on His shoulder,
And the crown of thorns
    which was on his head,
  When he purchased heaven for me.

He is interceding today before the throne,
  Remembering his pain and his blood;
And after making eternal peace
  Now between me and my Father.
And although there are yonder :: Although found yonder are

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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