Addewid fawr ein Duw

(Newyddion Bethlehem)
Addewid fawr ein Duw
  O'r diwedd ddaeth i ben;
Ganwyd o Fair, y forwyn wiw,
  Etifedd nefoedd wen.

Angel o'r nef a ddaeth
  A'r genadwri hon;
Ei thraethu i'r bugeiliaid wnaeth,
  Nes llawenhau eu bron.

Ac medd yr angel, "Ewch
  I ddinas Dafydd draw;
Y Ceidwad addawedig cewch
  Mewn preseb gwael gerllaw.

Yn llon ewch acw'n llu
  I weled Crist eich Ner."
Ar hyny unai'r osgordd fry
  I seinio'r anthem bêr:

"Gogoniant fry i Dduw,
  Caed heddwch ar y llawr,
Ac 'w'llys da i ddynolryw,
  Trwy haeddiant Iesu mawr."

Pêr seiniwn ninau glod
  I'r Arglwydd yn gytûn,
Yn nghyda'r lluaws uwch y rhod,
  Am eni Ceidwad dyn.
Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tôn [MB 6686]: Piedmont (<1876)

(News of Bethlehem)
The great promise of our God
  At last has come to fulfilment;
Born of Mary, the worthy virgin
  The heir of bright heaven.

An angel from heaven came
  With this mission;
Tell it to the shepherds he did,
  Until making joyful their breast.

And the angel said, "Go
  To yonder city of David;
The promised Saviour ye have
  In a poor manger nearby.

Cheerfully go there as a host
  To see Christ your Chief."
At this the escort above united
  To sound the sweet anthem:

"Glory above to God,
  May peace be had on the earth,
And good with to humankind,
  Through the merit of great Jesus."

Sweetly let us too sound acclaim
  To the Lord in agreement,
Together with the throng above the firmament,
  For the birth of the Saviour of man.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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