Addoliad mawl a bendith

Worship and thanks and blessing

(Gwaredwr hollaluog)
Addoliad mawl a bendith
  A chlod a rown i'r Iesu:
Fe'n unig yw ein noddwr gwiw,
  Pan gyfu llu i'n drygu.
Yn llon y tystiwn iddo,
  Cryf ydyw i waredu;
A chadarn yw addewid Duw
  Mai Ef sydd i derynasu.

Waredwr hollalluog,
  Rhown iti aberth moliant;
Ein Ceidwad mawr, Tydi yn awr
  A gei yr holl ogoniant.
A braich dy oruchafiaeth
  Y'n dygaist o'n halltudiaeth:
Ti biau'r hawl
    i'n clod a'n mawl,
  O! Dduw ein iechydwriaeth.

Dy fraich a'n dug yn ddiogel
  Drwy ffordd oedd mor nodedig
Â'r ffordd drwy'r môr
    a ddorraist, Iôr,
  I'th bobl etholedig.
D'ogoniant mawr a'n cuddiodd,
  Dy law fu yn ein coledd,
Ac wele ni,
    'n ôl mynd drwy'r lli,
  Yn ymdaith mewn gorfoledd.

Ti, Iesu, a orchfygaist
  Y byd a malais Satan;
Trwy ras y nef dyrchafwn lef
  Mewn mawl i Ti, ein tarian.
Gorchfygwn yn dy nodded,
  Gan dderbyn gras y nefoedd;
Ac am dy ddawn dy holi wnawn,
  A'th ganmol yn oes oesoedd.
cyf. William Owen Evans 1864-1936

Tôn [7787D]: Wilkesbarre (Daniel Protheroe 1866-1934)

(An almighty Deliverer)
Worship, praise and blessing
  And acclaim we shall render to Jesus:
He alone is our worthy protector,
  When a host arose to harm us.
Cheerfully let us witness to him,
  Strong he is to deliver;
And firm is the promise of God
  That it is He who is to reign.

Almighty Deliverer,
  We render to thee a sacrifice of praise;
Our great Saviour, Thou now
  Shalt get the whole glory.
With the arm of thy supremacy
  Thou didst lead us from our exile:
To thee belongs the right
    to our acclaim and our praise,
  O God of our salvation.

Thy arm has led us safely
  Through the way which was so notable
And the way through the sea
    which thou didst cut, Lord,
  For thy chosen people.
Thy great glory hid us,
  Thy hand nurtured us,
And behold us,
    after going through the flood,
  Marching in jubilation.

Thou, Jesus, hast overcome
  The world and the malice of Satan;
Through the grace of heaven we raise a cry
  In praise to Thee, our shield.
We will overcome in thy protection,
  While receiving the grace of heaven;
And for thy gift we will ask thee,
  And extol thee forever and ever.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
Worship, and thanks, and blessing,
  And strength ascribe to Jesus!
Jesus alone defends His own,
  When earth and hell oppress us!
Jesus with joy we witness
  Almighty to deliver;
Our seals set to, that God is true,
  And reigns a King for ever.

Omnipotent Redeemer,
  Our ransomed souls adore Thee;
Our Saviour Thou, we find it now,
  And give Thee all the glory.
We sing Thine arm unshortened,
  Brought through our sore temptation;
With heart and voice
    in Thee rejoice,
  The God of our salvation.

Thine arm hath safely brought us
  A way no more expected,
Than when Thy sheep
    passed through the deep,
  By crystal walls protected.
Thy glory was our rearward,
  Thy hand our lives did cover,
And we, e'en we,
    have passed the sea,
  And marched triumphant over.

The world and Satan's malice
  Thou, Jesus, hast confounded;
And, by Thy grace, with songs of praise
  Our happy souls resounded.
Accepting our deliverance,
  We triumph in Thy favour,
And for the love which now we prove,
  Shall praise Thy name forever.
Charles Wesley 1707-88
Hymns for Those That Seek and Those That Have
Redemption in the Blood of Jesus Christ, 1747.

Tunes [7787D]:
Deliverance (H J Gauntlett 1805-76)
Dying Stephen (J F Lampe 1793-51)
Worship (Johann M Haydn 1737-1806)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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