Addolwn Dduw ein Harglwydd mawr
Addolwn y Jehofa mawr

Addolwn Dduw, ein Harglwydd mawr,
Mewn parch a chariad yma nawr;
  Y Tri yn Un a'r Un yn Dri
  Yw'r Arglwydd a addolwn ni.

Mae ganddo i'n gwasanaeth hawl,
A gweddus inni
    ganu mawl;
  Down ger ei fron
      ā llafar gān,
  Rhown iddo glod
      o galon lān.

Ei orsedd sydd yn nef y nef,
Sanctaidd a chyfiawn ydyw ef;
  I ddig y mae'n hwyrfrydig iawn,
  Fe rydd o'i ras drugaredd lawn.

Y mae'i weithredoedd ef bob un
Yn ei glodfori yn gytun;
  Ei fawr gadernid draethant hwy,
  A'i enw a folwn ninnau mwy.

Mawr yw a chanmoladwy iawn,
Cyduno i'w ddyrchafu wnawn;
  Bendithiwn byth ei enw ef,
  A chaiff y mawl
      holl ddyddiau'r nef.
Dduw, ein Harglwydd mawr :: y Jehofa mawr

W H Evans (Gwyllt y Mynydd) 1831-1909

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Addoliad (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
Bryndioddef (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
Gilead (o Handel)
Lledrod / Llangollen (alaw Gymreig)
Winchester New (B Crasselius)
Yr Hen Ganfed (Salmwyr Genefa 1551)

Let us worship God, our great Lord,
In reverence and love here now;
  The three in one and the one in three
  Is the Lord whom we worship.

He has the right to our service,
And it is fitting for us
    to sing his praise;
  Let us come near his breast
      with a vocal song,
  Let us give him praise
      from a clean heart.

His throne is in the heaven of heaven,
Holy and just is he;
  To anger he is very slow,
  From his grace shall flow full mercy.

Every one of his acts is
Extolling him in agreement;
  His great firmness they expound,
  And his name which we greatly praise.

It is great and very praiseworthy,
To exalt him let us unite;
  Let us bless forever his name,
  And may his praise be
      through all heaven's days.
God, our great Lord :: the great Jehovah

tr. 2007,8 Richard B Gillion

God is the mighty Lord of all
  The three in one, to whom we bow,
The one in three, whom we adore
  In love and reverence here and now.

Fitting it is to serve the Lord
  And right to praise
      with speech and song
Into his presence
    let us come
  With hearts made clean
      from every wrong.

His throne is in the highest heav'n,
  Holy and just is he indeed;
To anger slow, in mercy rich,
  With grace to meet our ev'ry need.

Through all his acts of might is shown
  His constant faithful loving care;
Let us unite with all his deeds, 
  His praise to all the world declare.

What greater calling can there be,
  Than to unite his name to praise?
Him let us bless while here on earth,
  And throughout
      heaven's unending days.

tr. 2007,08 Richard B Gillion

Tune [LM 8888]:
Old Hundredth (Geneva Psalter 1551)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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