Adwaenost ni O Arglwydd da

("Ychwanega ein ffydd ni.")
Adwaenost ni, O Arglwydd da,
  Ein calon a ddarlleni:
Yn dlawd ac ofnus, gwrando'n cri,
  Na wrthod Di ein gweddi!

Mae'th wirioneddau yn rhy fawr
  O awr i awr i'w dirnad;
Gan hyny, O! cryfhâ ein ffydd
  Nes delo dydd datguddiad.

Rho hyder cryf, beth bynag ddaw,
  Er na fo'th law i'w gweled,
I droi mewn gweddi atat Ti,
  Heb ofni unrhyw niwed.

Rho olwg ar Dy ddysglaer wedd,
  Pan ddelo'r diwedd yma;
A chuddia'n henaid yn Dy law,
  Nes deffro draw yn Ngwynfa.
efel. Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953

Tôn [MS 8787] Eidduned (J R Jones 1765-1822)

("Increase our faith.")
Thou hast known us, O good Lord,
  Our hearts thou dost read:
Poor and fearful, hear our cry
  Do not refuse our prayer!

Thy truth is too great
  From hour to hour to grasp;
Therefore, O strengthen our faith
  Until the day of revelation comes.

Grant strong confidence, whatever comes,
  Although thy hand be not seen,
To turn in prayer to thee,
  Without fear of any harm.

Grant sight of thy radiant countenance,
  When the end comes here;
And hide our soul in thy hand,
  Until we awake yonder in blessedness.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion
Thou, who our faithless hearts canst read,
  And know'st each weakness there;
Poor, trembling, faint, with Thee we plead
  O turn not from our prayer.

We cannot grasp from hour to hour
  The truths Thy Gospel saith;
Then aid us by Thy heav'nly power,
  And so increase our faith.

That we may trust Thy guardian care,
  When no kind hand we see;
That we may lift our souls in prayer
  Undoubtingly to Thee.

Help us to gaze on things unseen
  By eyes of mortal sight;
To pierce through earth's dark veil,
    and glean
  Some beams of heav'nly light.

Thy glorious presence may we see,
  When earth's last tie is riven;
In faith then trust our souls to Thee,
  Till we awake in Heav'n.
James Baldwin Brown 1820-84

Tunes [CM 8686]:
St Bernard (Tochter Sion 1741)
Salisbury (Ravenscroft's Psalmes 1621)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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