Ail gydganed sêr y bore(u)

(Cymdeithas Biblau)
Ail gydganed ser y boreu,
  Gorfoledded meibion Duw,
Fod ar daith
    efengyl oleu,
  I fendithio dynol ryw:
Udgyrn gras sy'n uchel seinio,
  Drysau'r carchar sy'n datgloi,
Haul Cyfiawnder sydd yn gwawrio,
  T'w'llwch hirnos
      sydd yn ffoi.

Bwriwn hatling i'r drysorfa,
  I roi Biblau i'r wlad bell,
Ac ni ddichon chwaith y calla',
  Byth ddefnyddio mammon well;
Os un enaid sy'n newynnu,
  Mae yn Iesu'r manna iawn;
Ar y gair y'm yn ledaenu,
  Boed cynnyddol lwyddiant llawn.

              - - - - -

Ail gydganed sêr y bore,
  Gorfoledded meibion Duw,
Fod ar daith
    efengyl olau,
  I fendithio dynol ryw;
Teg ei phryd,
    aed trwy'r byd, -
Llwyddiant! llwyddiant iddi o hyd!

Utgyrn gras sy'n uchel seinio,
  Drysau'r carchar sy'n datgloi,
Haul cyfiawnder sydd yn gwawrio,
  Twllwch hirnos
      sydd yn ffoi;
Angel lef 'nghanol nef:
Llwyddiant! llwyddant iddo ef!

Dwg efengyl y gwirionedd
  At bob cenedl, lwyth, ac iaith;
Mae ar neges o drugaredd, -
  Llwyddiant! llwyddiant ar ei waith!
Eheded ef, ag adain gref,
At bob cenedl dan y nef.
Walter Davies (Gwallter Mechain) 1761-1849

[Mesur: 8787D]

Tôn [878767]: Wyddgrug (J A Lloyd 1815-74)

(Bibles Society)
Let the morning stars chorus again,
  Let the sons of God rejoice,
To be on the journey of
    the gospel of light,
  To bless human-kind:
The trumpet of grace is loudly sounding,
  The doors of the prison are unlocking,
The Sun of Righteousness is dawning,
  The darkness of the long
      night is fleeing.

Let us cast a mite into the treasury,
  To give Bibles to the distant land,
And neither can the wisest,
  Ever use mammon better;
If there is one soul who is starving,
  There is in Jesus true manna;
On the word that we are spreading,
  Let there be full, successful increase.

               - - - - -

Let the morning stars chorus again,
  Let the sons of God rejoice,
to be on the journey
    of the gospel of light,
  To bless human kind;
Fair its countenance,
    let it go throughout the world, -
Success! success to it always!

The trumpet of grace is loudly sounding,
  The doors of the prison are unlocking,
The Sun of righteousness is dawning,
  The darkness of the long
      night is fleeing;
An angel cry in the centre of heaven:
Success! success unto him!

He will bring the gospel of truth
  To every nation, tribe, and language;
He is on an errand of mercy, -
  Success! success on his work!
May he fly, with strong wings,
To every nation under heaven.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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