Am hyn atolwg rho Dy nerth

Te Deum Laudamus - Part III

(Rhan III - Gweddi am Nawdd a Diogelwch Dwyfol)
Am hyn atolwg rho Dy nerth,
  Yn anterth pob ymosod;
A'r rhai a brynaist ā Dy waed,
  O drostynt aed Dy gysgod.

Pār gael eu cyfryf gyd a'th saint,
  Rho'r fraint
      i bawb a'th garo;
A rhyfedd faith ogoniant gwiw,
  O Dduw'n oesoesoedd dyro.

Rho'th nawdd bob pryd, O Arglwydd da,
  A diogela'th bobl;
Bendithia, llywia, llawenha,
  A dyrcha' hwy'n dragwyddol.

Tra byddo Nef,
    rhown i Ti fawl,
  Mae genyt hawl i'n moliant;
Dy Enw anrhydeddwn byth,
  Ti'n ddilyth gei'r gogoniant.

Boed i Ti Argwydd heddywn wir,
  Ein cadw'n but rhag pechod;
Ac wrthym oll O trygarha,
  A seilio gwna ein cymod.

Doed Dy drygaredd arnaf fi,
  sydd ynot Ti'n ymddiried;
Rhag pob gwaradwydd, Arglwydd cu,
  Rho' byth i mi ymwared.
cyf. Thomas Jones Humphreys 1841-1934

[Mesur: MS 8787]

  Rhan I - Mawl i Dduw
  Rhan II - Yr Eglwys lān trwy yr holl fyd

(Part 3 - Prayer for Divine Protection and Safety)
Therefore, we pray, grant Thy strength,
  At the peak of every attack;
And those thou hast purchased with Thy blood,
  Over them let Thy shadow go.

Cause them to get counted with thy saints,
  Give the privilege
      to everyone who loves thee;
And the vast wonder of worthy glory,
  O God forever and ever give.

Give thy protection every time, O good Lord,
  And make thy people safe;
Bless, direct, make joyful,
  And raise them up eternally.

While ever there be Heaven,
    we will give Thee praise,
  Thou hast the right to our praise;
Thy Name we will honour forever,
  Thou ceaselessly shalt get the glory.

May Thou, Lord, today truly,
  Keep us pure from sin;
And upon us all, oh have mercy,
  With a seal make our reconciliation.

Let Thy mercy come upon me,
  Who in Thee am trusting;
From all shame, dear Lord,
  Grant forever to me deliverance.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
We therefore pray thee,
  help thy servants:
whom thou hast redeemed
  with thy precious blood.

Make them to be numbered
      thy Saints:
in glory

O Lord,
  save thy people:
and bless thine heritage.
  Govern them: and lift them up for ever.

    by day:
  we magnify thee;
And we worship thy Name:
  ever world without end.

Vouchsafe, O Lord:
  to keep us this day without sin.
O Lord, have mercy upon us:
  have mercy upon us.

O Lord, let thy mercy lighten upon us:
  as our trust is in thee.
O Lord, in thee have I trusted:
  let me never be confounded.
Book of Common Prayer

from the Latin
Te Deum Laudamus

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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