Am wlad mor dawel ac mor dlws

(Ein Tad Moliannwn Di)
Am wlad mor dawel ac mor dlws,
  Ein Tad, moliannwn Di;
Mae trysor yn ei henw da
  A'i hanes annwyl hi.

Am dadau pur a mamau mwyn,
  Ein Tad, moliannwn Di;
Ein braint yw byw i'w caru hwy
  Sy'n byw i'n caru ni.

Am geraint ac athrawon hoff,
  Ein Tad, moliannwn Di;
Maent am ein dwyn i ffordd y nef,
  A'r nef i'n bywyd ni.

Am Un sydd fwy a gwell na phawb,
  Ein Tad, moliannwn Di;
Mae ganddo le'n ei Deyrnas fawr
  A gwaith i blant fel ni.
Eliseus Williams (Eifion Wyn) 1867-1926

Tonau [MC 8686]:
French (Y Salmydd Ysgotaidd 1615)
Irish (alaw Wyddeleg)
Sain Tathan (John I Price 1910-93)
  St Paul (o Mendelssohn)
  34|5 6 5 12|3 4 3 (<1949 Oliver Edwards)

(Our Father We Praise Thee)
For a land so tranquil and so fair,
  Our Father, we praise Thee;
There is a treasure in its good name
  And its dear history.

For pure fathers and gentle mothers,
  Our Father, we praise Thee;
It is our privilege to live to love them
  Who live to love us.

For kin and fond teachers,
  Our Father, we praise Thee;
They are for leading us to the way of heaven,
  And for heaven to be our life.

For One who is more and better than all,
  Our Father, we praise Thee;
He has a place in his great Kingdom
  And work for children like us.
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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