Am y llaw agored raslon

Am y llaw agored, raslon
  Molwn heddiw Dduw y nef;
Mor ddiderfyn yw y rhoddion
  A gyfrennir ganddo ef!
Ffyddlon yw y cariad dwyfol
  Uwch trueni euog fyd,
Gyda llaw agored, dadol
  Fyth yn llawn er rhoi o hyd.

Llaw y Tad fu'n
    hulio'r ddaear
  Gyda manna glan y nef,
Ninnau heddiw yn ddiolchgar
  Roddwn foliant iddo ef:
Boed i'r llaw agored, dirion
  Fyth gysgodi uwch fy mhen,
Caffwyf ynddi noddfa gyson
  Nes dod adre i'r nefoedd wen.
Ben Davies 1864-1937

Tonau [8787D]:
Blaenwern (W Penfro Rowlands 1860-1937)
Bryn Wgan (Gilmor Griffiths 1917-85)
Corinth (Church Plain Chant 1782)
Towyn (David J de Lloyd 1883-1948)

For the hand opened, gracious
  Let us praise today the God of heaven;
So unlimited are the gifts
  Which are distributed by him!
Faithful is the divine love
  Above the misery of a guilty world,
With open, fatherly hand
  It will be fully since it still gives.

The hand of the Father which
    furnished the earth
  With the holy manna of heaven,
We today are grateful
  Let us render praise unto him:
May his tender, open hand
  Forever be a shade above my head,
I will obtain in him constant protection
  Until coming home to the bright heavens.
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion
For the open hand so gracious,
  Let us praise our God above;
Gifts divine from heaven's bounty
  Spread o'er earth the Father's love.
Faithful is that love forever,
  Guilty sinners' needs to meet;
God, whose father-hand is open,
  Will his work of grace complete.

God whose hand the
    earth has fashioned
  And with heavenly manna fed,
Calls forth thankful songs from those
  Who by his hand were safely led.
May his hand still open, tender,
  Guard us while on earth we roam;
In his love secure each moment,
  Till we reach bright heaven's home.
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion

Tune: Blaenwern

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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