Am yr Ysgol rad Sabothol
Am Yr Ysgol ras Sabbothol

1,(2),3,4;  1,3.
(Mawl am yr Ysgol Sabbothol)
Am yr Ysgol ras Sabbothol,
  Clod, clod i Dduw!
Ei buddioldeb sydd annrhaethol,
  Clod, clod i Dduw!
Ynddi cawn yr addysg oreu,
Addysg berffaith Llyfr y llyfrau;
Am gail hwn yn iaith ein mamau,
  Clod, clod i Dduw!

O! am nerth i rodio beunydd,
  Wrth Air ein Duw!
Harddu yn llwybrau, pwyso crefydd,
  Wrth Air ein Duw!
Yma pan fo'r byd yn cilio,
A'r gre'digaeth oll yn gwywo,
Mewn anfarwolfyd cawn rodi,
  Wrth Air ein Duw!

Llawer eto sydd heb wybod
  Am eiriau Duw,
Yn addoli eu heilunod,
  Heb eiriau Duw:
Diolch ddylem, a rhyfeddu,
Am fod Cymru yn eu meddu: -
Clod am Ysgol i'n haddysgu
  Yng ngeiriau Duw!

Arglwydd, cymer, ni, blant Cymru,
  Byth, byth, Amen!
Ewyllysiwn ddilyn Iesu,
  Byth, byth, Amen!
Cofia hefyd ein hathrawon
A'n haddysgant ni mor dirion;
Tywallt arnynt bob bendithion
  Byth, byth, Amen!
Roger Edwards 1811-86

Tonau [84848884]:
  Am Yr Ysgol Rad Sabothol (alaw Gymreig)
  Am Yr Ysgol Rad Sabothol (J T Rees 1857-1949)
  Am Yr Ysgol Rad Sabothol (W Jackson)
  Arosfa (T Hopkin Evans 1879-1940)
  Clod Am Yr Ysgol Sul (<1859)
Steggall (Charles Steggall 1826-1905)
Upsal (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)
Wynnstay (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
  Yr Ysgol Sabothol
    (anad., trefn. Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)

(Praise for the Sabbath School)
For the free Sabbath School,
  Praise, praise to God!
His victory is inexpressible
  Praise, praise to God!
In it we can have the best education,
The best education of the Book of books;
For having this in our mother-tongue,
  Praise, praise, to God!

O for strength to walk daily,
  By the Word of our God!
To adorn our paths, relying on faith,
  By the Word of our God!
Here when the world shall be retreating,
And the whole creation fading,
In immortality we can walk,
  By the Word of our God!

Many still do not know
  About the word of God,
Worshipping their idols,
  Without the word of God:
We should thank and wonder,
That Wales belongs to them: -
Praise for School which educates us
  In the words of God!

Lord, take us, children of Wales,
  Forever, forever, Amen!
We will to follow Jesus,
  Forever, forever, Amen!
Remembering also our teachers
Who educate us so tenderly;
Pour upon us every blessing
  Forever, forever, Amen!
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion
For the Sabbath School we're thankful,
  Praise, praise to God!
For our teachers too we're grateful,
  Praise, praise to God!
Here we learn the truth that saves us,
In the blessed words of Jesus;
Oh! the Bible is most precious,
  Praise, praise to God!

Oh! for strength to walk for ever
  By God's own word!
And to find my greatest pleasure
  By God's own word!
Then when earth's vain show is over,
Death is past with all its terror,
I shall walk in peace for ever,
  By God's own word!
Gethin Davies 1846-96

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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