Am yr Ysgrythur lân

  Am yr Ysgrythur lân
    Dyrchafwn gân ynghyd,
  Arfaethau'n Harglwydd mawr
    Amlyga'n awr i'r byd:
Mae'n dweud am gariad Tri yn Un,
A Cheidwad i golledig ddyn.

  Mae'r Ysgrythurau'n llawn
    O olud dwyfol ras,
  A phob ysbrydol ddawn
    I oesau'r ddaear las:
Tywynned y goleuni drud
Ar lwybrau holl genhedloedd byd.

  Mae'r gallu i fywhau
    O hyd yng ngair ein Duw;
  Ac ynddo mae'n parhau
    Ffynhonnau'r dyfroedd byw:
Pan chwalo'r greadigaeth gref,
Ni syflir un o'i eiriau Ef.
W Evans Jones (Penllyn) 1854–1938

Tonau [666688]:
Gopsal (G F Handel 1685-1759)
Ivor (Adoniah Evans 1848-1925)

  For the holy Scripture
    Let us raise up a song together,
  The weapons of our great Lord
    Are evident now to the world:
It speaks about the love of Three in One,
And a Saviour for lost man.

  The Scriptures are full
    Of the wealth of divine grace,
  And every spiritual gift
    To the ages of the blue-green earth:
Let the precious light shine
On the paths of all the nations of the world.

  The ability to enliven is
    Still in the word of our God;
  And in it endure
    The wells of the living waters:
When the strong creation collapses,
Not one word of His words shall be shifted.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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