Aneirif deall Bren(h)in nef

1,2,3,4,5,6;  1,2,3,6,7.
(Doethineb Duw - Sal.cxlvii,5. Esa.xl,28.)
Aneirif deall
    Brenin nef
  A welir yn ei waith;
A holl greadigaeth datgan mae
  Ei ddoethder yn mhob iaith.

Nis gellir chwilio allan byth
  Ei synwyr dirfawr Ef;
Mae'n maeddu dawn
    trigolion byd,
  A holl angylion nef.

Yn yr Efengyl beraidd fwyn 
  Dysgleiria'n hyfryd lawn
Ddoethineb anfesurol IOR,
  Yn nhrefniad Dwyfol Iawn.

Yn llyfr gras 'rwy'n gweled modd
  I gadw'm henaid trist;
Yn hwn 'ryw'n gwel'd doethineb Duw,
  A'i weld yn ngwyneb Crist.

Cerubiaid a seraphiaid fyrdd
  O gylch yr orsedd fawr
A welant fwy mewn achub dyn
  Na gwerth y nef a'r llawr.

Mewn tir a môr fe welir peth
  O'r Duwdod mawr ei ddawn:
Ond yn y Cymmod
    gwelir byth
  Ei holl ogoniant llawn.

O annherfynol fôr didrai
  O ddyfais ac o ras,
Na ddichon tragwyddoldeb maith
  Eu chwilio byth i maes.
Casgliad o Hymnau (J Harris) 1824

Tonau [MC 8686]:
America (<1824)
Arlington (Thomas Augustine Arne 1710-78)
Evans's (<1824)

gwelir: Mewn tir a môr fe welir peth

(God's Wisdom - Psa.147:5; Isa.40:28.)
The unnumbered understanding
    of the King of heaven
  Is to be seen in his work;
And the whole creation declaring is
  His wisdom in every language.

Never able to be searched out is
  His enormous sense;
It beats the talent
    of the world's inhabitants,
 And all the angels of heaven.

In the sweet, gentle gospel
  Shines delightfully full
The immeasurable wisdom of the LORD,
  In the arrangement of Divine Atonement.

In the book of grace I am seeing how
  To keep my sad soul;
In that I am seeing the wisdom of God,
  And seeing it in the face of Christ.

Of Cherubim and Seraphim a myriad
  Around the great throne
Who see more in the saving of man
  That the worth of heaven and the earth.

In land and sea is to be seen something
  Of the Godhead of great talent:
But in the Reconciliation
    is to be seen forever
  All his full glory.

From an endless, unebbing sea
  Of a scheme and of grace,
A vast eternity is not sufficient
  Ever to search them out.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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