Anfeidrol Dduw ein Harglwydd mawr

(Teithwyr yn yr Awyr)
Anfeidrol Dduw ein Harglwydd mawr
Rheoli di y nef a'r llawr
  A rhodio wnei yn hy dy hynt
  Byth ar adenydd chwim y gwynt,
O awrwain, Iôr, y teithwyr sy
Â'u hantur yn yr awyr fry.

Pan fo'r cymylau, megis llen,
A'r ddrycin yn tramwyo'r nen,
  Dihangol ydynt yn dy law,
  Un niwed iddynt hwy ni ddaw;
Hyd lwybrau maith yr wybren las
O cadw hwy drwy nerth dy ras.

Ar lwbrau unig pell y nef
Rho iddynt fraich a chalon gref,
  A thywys hwy y dydd a'r nos
  Nes cyrraedd hedd
      yr hafan dlos;
A molwn di ag uchel lef
Ein Duw, Penllywydd
    llawr a nef.
David Lewis (Ap Ceredigion) 1870-1948

Tonau [88.88.88]:
Glyn Rhosyn (Melchior Vulpius 1560-1615)
Gweddi Luther (Geistliche Lieder 1539)
Leicester (John Bishop 1665-1737)

(Travellers in the Air)
Infinite God our great Lord
Thou dost rule heaven and the earth
  And walk thou dost boldly thy course
  Forever on the swift wings of the wind,
O lead, Lord, the travellers whose
Ventures are in the sky above.

When the clouds are, like a curtain,
And the foul weather, crossing the sky,
  Safe are they in thy hand,
  No harm shall come to them;
Along the vast paths of the blue sky
O keep them through the power of thy grace.

On the lonely, distant paths of heaven
Give them a strong arm and heart,
  And lead them day and night
  Until reaching the peace
      of the fair haven.
And we shall praise thee with a loud cry,
Our God, the Chief Governor
    of earth and heaven.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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